Example sentences of "us [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It should not persuade us that this writer has yielded or sold out , any more than it should persuade us that the boy poet Klima is in every sense the boy poet Jaromil .
2 As has already been seen , it was the style of both church and politicians to avoid their mutual consultations being known , which tells us that the secularity of the state at that time was partially a façade , but one which it was felt by both interested parties had to be maintained , probably so as not to confuse the faithful .
3 Although the New Criticism in its later American manifestations generally pursued a purely formal and elucidatory analysis , Gerald Graff reminds us that the original New Critics were evaluative , since they wrote as conservative Southerners who were much concerned with ideals of cultural health .
4 On television , the lugubrious Jim advises us that the Canadian lager he is paid to promote is horrible stuff , and should be avoided .
5 England defeated Poland 1-0 , Roger Hunt the goalscorer and the tenacious manner of that victory persuaded us that the possibilities were immense ; of that team , only Jimmy Greaves would be missing from the World Cup Final .
6 When Fussell tells us that the war was ‘ so devoid of ideological content that little could be said about its positive purposes that made political or intellectual sense ’ , he shows that he has become the prisoner of his own limited sources , and also of an imagination limited by distaste for his subject .
7 He wished us the best of luck and advised us that the Brigade was here to stay .
8 An American soldier gave us each a balloon and told us that the winner would be the one who could soonest burst the balloon by blowing it up beyond its stretching point .
9 I tell the young people joining us that the great division in their lives , if they climb in the business , is the division between the company and their family .
10 There Engels more or less tells us that the scheme presented is not likely to be changed by new discoveries .
11 With great glee Odd-Knut told us that the fat Germans showered ten times every day for a week and still reeked of rotten whale .
12 In the tent that night we eat smoked trout and Odd-Knut tells us that the previous year there was a fight on his team and after it was over and the dogs were moving again he saw blood on the snow .
13 The aftershocks of the European row tell us that the big tremors are still to come Economics .
14 Mr Prokhorov said that the answer to the contradiction between political renewal and economic crisis lay in Marxism , which ‘ teaches us that the superstructure is more mobile than the base , and that it is the first to react to a change of conditions . ’
15 Engineers have told us that the blast furnaces are at risk .
16 Mr Gee said : ‘ Scientists keep telling us that the situation is far more urgent than politicians are admitting .
17 We were woken a few minutes before one o'clock in the morning by a phone call from a friend who told us that the insistent thudding we could hear was American artillery fire .
18 He 's really dealing with that whole idea of the image of the self and the reflection in the water being much bigger and more interesting to all of us that the reality of who Jeff Koons is , ’ Rifkin says .
19 The people who moved the instruments each day to the studio had a vested interest in persuading us that the Philharmonie was no good ; people even said privately that the change must be resisted at all costs because the coffee was so much better at the church !
20 A DESPATCH from Rome in Thursday 's newspaper seemed to tell us that the Pope has been urging sex education for priests .
21 The engineers tell us that the core of the building is intact and that it could be rebuilt and restructured .
22 The tables are turning now , though , with even George Bush making TV advertisements to remind us that The Big Country is waiting with open tills for our holiday spending money .
23 But the U.S. has space and a welcome for even more of us : with travel and tourism its third-largest retail industry , the ailing American economy can not afford to leave it up to our own tour firms to persuade us that the time — and price — is right .
24 In the poem you are about to hear , the famous poet , William Wordsworth tells us that the day we lose the ability to marvel at something as wonderful as a rainbow , we lose something very important .
25 Its scope , vision , and promises are large , yet history tells us that the issues it addresses will not be resolved easily .
26 Such cases may be relatively infrequent , but they remind us that the core notion of voluntary obligations is the knowing undertaking of an obligation .
27 This assures us that the continued supply is of normal quantities required anyway , but it also makes discontinuation of supply a positive harm rather than a refusal to help .
28 ‘ Then you showed us that the cuts were not made when she was stabbed .
29 The Palestinian guerrillas would squat behind their outposts of earth and rocks up in the cold air among the fir trees , cradling their rocket-propelled grenades and announcing to us that the Syrians would not be permitted to move one more metre — not one more inch — along the highway to Beirut .
30 Jock instilled into us that the end product of our training was for us to become independent in every way , operating either alone or in very small groups .
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