Example sentences of "us [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll have to give us them wo n't they , when they
2 Well I tell you something if he ke , if he does start to hassle us I shall ring the police and I shall tell them !
3 So we 'd better get back behind our lines , because if the Germans catch us I ca n't believe they 'll invite us to join 'em for tea and crumpet . ’
4 If she comes between us — ’ He now pointed towards Peggy without looking at her and repeated , ‘ If she comes between us I 'll finish it .
5 Probably were n't I do n't know but they seemed to us I may be looking at it from a child 's eyes but er that 's how they seemed to be to me .
6 If you were not to accompany us I would have to find someone in New York .
7 Commenting last night on his willingness to fight for Ulster , he said : ‘ I merely pointed out that if that situation was forced upon us I would defend my country .
8 ‘ And of course , when Madame was still with us I used to enjoy her Tarte Tatin at the eponymous hotel … . ’
9 Hope was generally busy , but with the three of us I should be able to snatch the time for a letter in the small hours .
10 And where would you be without us I 'd like to know ?
11 Inasmuch as the appellant is not able to establish the necessary twelve years adverse possession , a decision on this question is strictly obiter , but as the judge has dealt with the point and counsel have argued it before us I will not conclude without making some reference to it .
12 If our losing directly prevented the scum from winning the league , and it was not very advantageous to us I can imagine a senario when I wo n't be bothered with a win .
13 Well erm you see although I learned shorthand and typing it was better money and that was the reason I had to do it , I 've passed my exams in shorthand but er probably there were n't enough offices then to employ a good many clerks , but erm they er it was a very big fellow who used to ring the bell and the bell was on the outside , he was named Tom but I ca n't for the life of me think erm what his other name was but , erm it used to put the fear through us I can tell you if we were around the corner and we heard that bell ringing but erm they , they were a good firm to work for and , but they were strict but everywhere was strict in those days , we had to accept it but it was a long long hours , but erm they knew I had some , I , I enjoyed it and I 'd go back again only I 'm too old .
14 Ahead of us I could hear the noise of the waterfall — there had been plenty of rain and when we arrived at the foss , the beck that eventually joins the Ure to travel down Wensleydale was hammering over the lip of the force .
15 And then the baby , and then not the baby , but there was an us I could feel to be there every day when I woke up .
16 If they want to meet us I could see no objections ’ .
17 On the hillside facing us I could see four turkey vultures scavenging in the carcass of a raccoon .
18 Out of the drone of insect life around us I could distinguish the sound of an aeroplane engine .
19 Er I offered it for about eight hours a day , but they might send us somebody might .
20 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
21 But there 's something in even the very best of us which would really prefer to take the easy way out , if that 's at all possible .
22 ‘ But there are several present disagreements between us which could prove contentious at both the BA Conference in Torquay and in the future . ’
23 It 's given us its full backing , and it 's going to call for a day of action in support of us which will include strike action throughout the Media Industry .
24 The only one of us who might have their work cut out is Doctor Anderson — if we find a lot of casualties . ’
25 It 's us who 'll have the next lot of babies , not you .
26 When I looked at him , there were tears in his eyes , and he said , ‘ It 's not us who 'll have the problem , Mum .
27 It 's not us who 'll have to sit in front
28 For those of us who ca n't make Goodison I think R5 has full commentary on the match … infact they interviewed Wilko last night who was saying that he had n't thought about whether or not anyone could catch Scum , but he was only interested in how many points we could get ‘ it 's like the Grand National ’ , he said , ‘ plenty of favourites fall the seconf time round ’ .
29 Probably all of us who would like to help others make the same error .
30 But beauty is n't , the say beauty is only skin deep , but what about the million people who live in this country who are dealing with siriasis , for whom , that they 'll , they 'll live their life with no cure , no prospect of cure and er those are people who we only wish , I 'm one of them , er , I also run a self help group in Ayrshire and there are a great many of us who would like to , I think extend a more , more of an understanding to the general public , because its not how we regard ourselves
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