Example sentences of "us [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 DameJanet ( Vaughan ) used to tell us about flying the flag of freedom around the world actually a good message to hear ! ’
2 Could you tell us about swimming in , in the canals Mr , what , what you used to do ?
3 They have lied to us about eveything else . ’
4 She does n't hector us about giving up things .
5 And he , he used to tell us about his travels around America , you know and he , he told us about working in Baltimore in the forty sixth street or something , in a forge , they called them forges out there .
6 ‘ They 'll nag us now about winning the peace , just like they nagged us about winning the war .
7 tell us about breathing , no you 're not getting my voice on that thing he says , I , I do n't like hearing me voice and everything , and he threw it on the settee .
8 Can you possibly arrange for a BVU copy to be made for us for posting by Thursday this week ?
9 ‘ Ye ca n't blame us for trying . ’
10 Erm and also from er Alan MP from he er thanked us for inviting er him here today but he says , unfortunately I already have a previous engagement in London , and so will be unable to join you on this occasion .
11 Nor will future researchers thank us for leaving them a vast amount of dross which makes the location and comprehension of useful material more difficult .
12 ‘ We used to have a shop in this block which sold leads , collars , blankets , and so on , to anybody who took a rescued dog from us for rehoming .
13 And he ca n't blame us for singing ‘ You 're Only Here For The Money etc ’ when we travel to Ewood Park .
14 Er , I I 'll skip through it cos ' most people have n't got the copies with them , er we looked , you 'll remember that the A C C ops meeting thanked us for providing Beeston with a U V lamp for M O T examination .
15 For humans , as we have discussed in Chapter 1 , the body has been ‘ waking us up ’ since about 5 o'clock in the morning so that , by the time we normally wake , we are prepared for the rigours of a new day ; in the evening our body begins to ‘ tone us down ’ to prepare us for getting to sleep .
16 ‘ Yeah , the rats 'd thank us for getting rid of a human , ’ he went on .
17 ‘ When they came back from the segregation unit they would thank us for getting the chance to get their heads together . ’
18 She done us for skating up the fucking
19 Stocks of petrol were low , and late one afternoon cars passing the orderly room were stopped by an irate major-general , who berated us for using valuable petrol at such a time of crisis .
20 At the hostel they were furious with us for bringing the police , they just wanted us out , literally , and we were out !
21 state in the book policy er stable is n't an a stability is rural to the future generations , thank er thank relevant to the suit of each and I really do n't think they would erm thank us for bringing about a demeaning for our premier , international premier this road .
22 All the creatures that we have to kill and eat , all those that we have to strike down and destroy to make clothes for ourselves , have souls , like we have , souls that do not perish with the body , and which must therefore be propitiated lest they should avenge themselves on us for taking away their bodies ( see Rasmussen , 1929 ) .
23 We had learned this at the very first lesson of the term — something most of the boys should have remembered from the previous year — when Mr Gillis had belted fourteen of us for setting off towards the door when the bell rang rather than waiting for his instruction .
24 Gransden and Eykyn chide us for mentioning kanamycin , which has been superseded in Britain by newer drugs .
25 ‘ An ’ then he prosecutes us for cuttin' animals up in a public place , ’ Jake went on .
26 Please excuse us for winning . ’
27 As a result of losing the war in 1948 — excuse us for winning — the Arabs became partly a community of refugees .
28 They thanked us for coming .
29 Before he died , he cursed us for killing his son .
30 That is significant because that covers us for paying you commission .
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