Example sentences of "us [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now the tory party are forever lecturing us about choice are they not .
2 When Heg told us about TIE 's contacts in Brazil , we wrote to them .
3 If it is shown that young people who leave care and have been trained to live independently move quickly into group living situations , what does this tell us about provision for older adolescents ?
4 A kind and intelligent psychiatrist ( one of the few we ever saw outside the hospital ) came to talk to us about schizophrenia — the most feared mental illness of all .
5 There are severe limits on what simple introspection can tell us about reading , however .
6 From this pupils can go on to consider what this tells us about society in the past .
7 Normally , New Scientist heralds the beginning of April with a few jeux d'esprit , but this year it was subdued , predicting only that the world would come to an end on 5 April , a prophecy based on meat consumption figures , though it was hard to make up the mind about an item called ‘ What the woodlouse can teach us about marriage ’ .
8 What do these sites tell us about settlement in the landscape ?
9 He quotes Shakespeare , informs us about whale reproduction , tries on a Glasgow accent , even sings !
10 The failure of this ‘ mechanical speech ’ approach ( which eventually led to the development of speech synthesis by rule ) has many lessons to teach us about pronunciation teaching and learning , and it will be useful , in looking at connected speech , to bear in mind the difference between the way humans speak and what would be found in ‘ mechanical speech ’ .
11 ‘ The guide-book warned us about hotel touts of your sort , and unless you make yourself scarce I shall put you into the hands of the Carabinieri . ’
12 said you know they ask us about colour and
13 And there 's a little table telling us about inheritance tax .
14 ( 2 ) History is one of the essential elements of a humane education in that it informs us about man in his various activities and environments and thus helps us to understand our fellow human beings .
15 So all these people who lecture to us about democracy should really examine the situation it 's got nothing to do with democracy whatsoever when less people are entitled to have a say .
16 ‘ People in the south do n't want lectures from us about population growth , ’ growled a letter in the Guardian .
17 Basil used to tease us about movement and chuckle at our claims for its fundamental importance in the education of young children .
18 That 's Katy , no Amy and Katy , who gon na talk to us about project they 're doing , which is called a dog called Mock .
19 In other words , writing can teach us about language .
21 Erm so what does that tell us about training , from the training when we 're training others ?
22 Can I put Clifford 's point to the point that we 're still discussing er which is about the surplus and how both your legal frameworks you 're advocating relate to the answers you 've given us about surplus and the concern about surplus .
23 I do remember saying that these Asian women had a lot to teach us about family life .
24 ONE of the most sensational life-forms on this planet , Sigourney Weaver , has been telling us about Alien 3 which opens here next week .
25 There was an excellent example some weeks ago , when M told us about nuclear-waste dumping at sea — how much , what it contained , where it was ditched , how dangerous it might be , what was known and what was n't — all explained quickly , painlessly , economically .
26 It might be worth booking a coach to carry us between access points .
27 Jackie from Marriage Lines takes us through day and evening invitations embossed with clinking champagne flutes and bordered in watered silk .
28 It is about a relationship that changes the way we look at life ; it is about a friendship that will take us through life , facing the black moments as well as the good ; it is about God ‘ s time breaking into our lives , giving them hope and meaning and joy .
29 This is a world where , in Walt 's own words , ‘ If you can dream it , you can do it , ’ and where , as we are told by the audio-animatronic family which takes us through history in the Carousel Of Progress pavilion , ‘ These are the best days of your life . ’
30 We must seriously examine how we can involve such membership in the decision making of the Union and carry them with us through change .
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