Example sentences of "us [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The Wilkins Micawber of 11 Downing street tells us to wait and see .
2 She asked us to wait and indicated a nest of Bauhaus leather armchairs .
3 It endorsed British industry 's achievements under the policies that we have been pursuing for the past 12 years , urged us to continue and build upon them in future and condemned utterly the sort of policies still advocated by the Labour party , which is stuck in a mind-set of the 1960s and 1970s .
4 The most valuable of the representations that I have had on manufacturing industry is the excellent report from the manufacturing advisory group of the CBI , which hails the resurgence in manufacturing that began in the 1980s and calls on us to continue and to build on the policies that brought that about .
5 Had they played the ball down th channels or to the corner flags , this would have turned their defence and let us regroup and play in their half .
6 There was no furniture , just sacking for us to sit and sleep on .
7 ‘ I see no reason for us to sit and watch , ’ Charlotte said , rising from her seat .
8 This project will help us to confirm or reject this hypothesis .
9 We left as darkness was descending on that foreboding place and nothing could have made us stay or convinced us that there was not something awful waiting in the station .
10 They 're probably going to buy up all our land and evacuate us to the south , or let us stay and employ us all as beaters . ’
11 The ‘ sheriff ’ came out and said that Customs wanted us to fly to Darwin for clearance , but we begged for mercy and he let us stay and gave us a ride to a lodge in the police wagon .
12 Excitement mounted ; in her memoirs Princess Marie Louise quotes Sir Edwin Lutyens as saying , ‘ Let us devise and design for all time something which will enable future generations to see how a king and queen of England lived in the twentieth century , and what authors , artists and craftsmen of note there were during their reign . ’
13 At this point , in 1986 , the mother church commissioned us to go and start the new church .
14 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
15 Er it just gives us a focal point for us to go and see .
16 I tried to look sympathetic but that only made matters worse and the fellow waved his fingers in the air as a sign for us to go and , turning his back , resumed his prayers .
17 Just as we were about to paddle along the once road we heard a shout from Matthew 's mum for us to go and collect her .
18 Erm , and it is just as possible , in theory , for us to go and live somewhere else .
19 The company which owns the cinema never puts any pressure on us to go and see anything .
20 Who was it they had on who a aging singer , what 's his name just before Christmas in the Mail who wanted us to go and see them and
21 Thursday 's better for us to go and then nanny took it apart .
22 And she 's asked us to go and stay and I said to John I Would n't stay in that bed again
23 Chris Ivan said to me , he said Cliff wanted us to go and have a drink he said when we 've finished work on a Friday he said last night , I tell you , I said I said no , no I did n't !
24 Tosh arranged for us to go and see his .
25 Yoga : yoga therapy is designed to rectify that imbalance in our inner selves from which most of us suffer and which causes tension in the body and the mind .
26 Or they may appeal to our feelings — advertisements that evoke nostalgia , or involve appealing children and animals ; that make us laugh or rely on sex appeal , are all playing on our emotions to persuade us to buy .
27 Four ‘ paired ’ studies will be conducted , allowing us to compare and contrast the use of similar technologies in different settings .
28 In every day life we group things into sets without really thinking about it , to find some kind of order , or pattern which will help us to arrange and organise what we have to do .
29 ‘ Do you seriously expect us to forgive and forget the inhumanity and the misery of the poll tax ? ’
30 ‘ Do you seriously expect us to forgive and forget the inhumanity of the poll tax ? ’ demanded one of the 500 , offering Major the chance to say ‘ Sorry ’ .
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