Example sentences of "each [noun sg] were " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the Tokugawa period the lifestyles , customs , work practices and privileges of each caste were minutely regulated by a host of detailed sumptuary laws and other provisions .
2 A group of geophysicists who were working on the rocks of the floor of the north-east Pacific had discovered , before Hess 's suggestion was published , that instead of a random pattern of reversals , such as were common on land , the oceanic crust in the Pacific exhibited a pattern of ‘ strip reversals ’ ; the rocks in each strip were magnetized in one fixed direction , but the rocks in alternate , parallel strips were magnetized in the reverse direction .
3 Twenty in each university were to be taught modern history and languages and , if they reached the required standard , given suitable employment at home or abroad .
4 Accordingly , two entire trials for each pairing were subjected to detailed analysis .
5 Indications of the purchase price of each building were obtained and full funding proposals were prepared .
6 Zander later acknowledged that the decisions as to what amounted to a need for advice in each category were conservative , highly artificial and suitable only for research purposes , and he described the test as ‘ … necessarily crude and inadequate . ’
7 The raw scores for each category were statistically adjusted to represent an equal number of girls and boys in each class .
8 To sustain carnivores , there must have been many more herbivores ; but the idea that two of each kind were created somewhere and slowly spread and multiplied would not go with real population dynamics .
9 The hunters paddling each canoe were terrified .
10 They complained pursuant to section 83(1) of and paragraph 1 of Part III of Schedule 12 to , the Act to the first defendant , the ombudsman appointed under the Building Societies Ombudsman Scheme set up under the Act that their valuations had been prepared negligently by the professional valuers , who in each case were employees of the plaintiff societies , who were all members of the scheme .
11 About half in each case were categorised by their headteachers as casual or persistent truants .
12 Correlations between pairs of measures across the 40 junctions were calculated for each subject individually , the 30 correlations obtained in each case were then averaged using Fisher 's z transformation ( Silver and Dunlap 1987 ) .
13 Fifty to 60 crypts from each case were divided into upper and lower portions .
14 Two 110mph trains in each direction were introduced from May 1984 and the entire service was upgraded in the following year .
15 In the Hall study accidents at 177 signalized crossroads were analysed over a period of four years , over this period accidents involving a vehicle turning right outnumbered those to vehicles turning left by a ratio of 6.6:1 ( accidents involving one vehicle turning in each direction were excluded from the analysis ) .
16 The cosmids were picked in batches of about 50 from the set of unhit clones ( ie by sampling without replacement ) , and so to ensure that the cosmids in each batch were from different regions on the genome ( and hence to maximize efficiency ) the unhit clones were reordered against the ordered YAC probes .
17 Annual referral rates for each practice were standardised for age and sex by the direct method using the total study population as the standard .
18 On each sole were two pieces of metal , one at the tip and one at the heel .
19 Only first divisions in each lineage were counted to allow comparison between experiments .
20 Relative percentages of each transcript were estimated with reference to srRNA .
21 The officer told the defendant three times that he considered two pickets at each entrance were sufficient but the defendant , persisting in his intention to join the pickets , ‘ pushed gently past ’ the police officer , ‘ was gently arrested ’ , and was charged with obstructing the police in execution of their duty .
22 The dots touching the upper and left side borders of each subarea were counted while those on the lower and right side were ignored .
23 The trestle tables down each side were stained with wine and strewn with the stale remains of various meals .
24 On each side were stalls heaped with fruit , vegetables , fish and other staples , behind which strapping black-shawled women bawled produce and price , oblivious of the packs of snarling dogs and ragged children lunging in and out between them for whatever scraps they could scavenge .
25 Down the hall on each side were long trestle tables covered in the costliest silk .
26 To each side were gardens brilliantly blooming with the flowers of spring .
27 In this case all values from each experiment were first averaged for each stimulus and correlations between the measures were calculated across the 48 films .
28 Images of each nuclide were taken in anterior and posterior projections every 15 minutes for two hours , with the patient standing .
29 Expected numbers for each sector were calculated by multiplying the five year age specific population of each sector in different calendar periods ( see below ) by the corresponding Scottish incidence rates for these diseases .
30 Video and audio cassettes of each session were available at the bookshop within twenty minutes of the finish , which is the time when people want to buy them .
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