Example sentences of "same [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 the employer is not only provided with maximum assurance that his competitors will make the same settlement that he does ; he is also assured that his competitors will be shut down … when he is shut down , so that he need not reckon on a permanent reduction in market share when calculating the costs of a strike .
2 ‘ Oi 'm a nopenin' baht , ’ the Smallholder had replied , with the same stolidity that marked his demeanour at the crease , ‘ and you messes with a nopenin' baht at your peril . ’
3 ? The poisoned chocolate entered the Contessa 's mouth at the same instant that the yacht entered that of the river .
4 ‘ With the increasing emphasis on health promotion and screening we need to be more critical and to regard intervention with the same rigour that we use to examine a new drug in a clinical trial , ’ he says .
5 A proper understanding of the electron and other spin-1/2 particles did not come until 1928 , when a theory was proposed by Paul Dirac , who later was elected to the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics at Cambridge ( the same professorship that Newton had once held and that I now hold ) .
6 Is the same Roger that was on the erm ?
7 It may well be the same story that has come down in two different strands of tradition .
8 Is he the same driver that you let go two years ago , he 's an old man of the track a little at , he has n't had a terribly successful time at Ferrari .
9 In other words , ambitious Labour politicians will have to apply the same skills that win national elections to internal party contests .
10 ‘ We live in an age in which , in my mind , film-makers and people in the media have the same responsibility that one befell journalists and novelists , because , uh , no-one reads anymore .
11 The same strategies that Reuben Mattus had used in New York were adopted — high prices , exclusive distribution , good quality controls , selective PR and a distinctive image .
12 Penny only wanted a West Country holiday , not the least ingratiating thing about her , and they took the same cottage that his Mum had rented , and they stopped , he and Penny , for the same coffee and the same stroll round the monument .
13 Well no , what you want to do , ask that same gang that came in last week ,
14 Indicative of this is the fact that in most African countries , issues of women and development are dealt with by a Ministry of Culture and Social Development — the same ministry that deals with destitutes .
15 Apprised of this information , the computer print-outs ( ’ it 's all down to you , the draw will be made by the same computer that picked you to join the two out of every 100 households in the Barnard Castle area ’ ) are on their way by first-class post to Tom Champagne .
16 If we did n't know that terrible things like war had happened , or why they had happened , it would be so easy for us as a country to continue with the same policies that had led to these mistakes in the past .
17 Well I hate to tell you but this is that 's the same smell that Dorothy 's house has .
18 As I understand the Leeds position , they want what they call a lev a level playing field , or to be aiming at the same goalposts that they 've been aiming at for the last number of years .
19 Worldly-wise and diverting in its tendency to offer a recipe for faijoada completa and the protocol for French deer hunting within a few paragraphs , the novel poses the same difficulty that plagues the protagonist : as we Americans put it , we miss the forest for the trees . ’
20 One private carrier will not carry as a matter of certainty for the same money that another will , as the prospect of a return cargo affects the question .
21 The detail , then , is in this sense gratuitous , but it has its effect : Wilekin buys Margery with the same money that Dame Sirith can use to buy animals ; the bargains , and the items bought , are reduced to the same level .
22 So it 's all part of the same sentence that makes it come into the head at that point .
23 In addition , he pointed out that the price/performance ratio has changed by a factor of 6,000 in the past few years : ‘ If the car industry had had the same change that the computer industry has experienced since 1960 , a car that cost $10,000 in 1960 would now be sold for $1 , ’ he said .
24 But he insists that it follows from it and others of the same kind that knowledge is impossible .
25 This effect is best corrected by observing the exhaust smoke and trimming the model so that the tail boom is pointing in the same direction that the smoke is being blown .
26 Detailed scrutiny of these and other markings reveals that , at the cloud tops , the atmosphere moves around Venus predominantly in an east-west ( zonal ) direction and in the same direction that Venus rotates , taking about 4 to 5 days to encircle Venus once .
27 However , I shall argue that it is only when they do point in the same direction that conditions are suitable for the development of intelligent beings who can ask the question : why does disorder increase in the same direction of time as that in which the universe expands ?
28 Through learning the same rules that constitute our culture we agree about appropriate behaviour and belief ; this consensus ensures that we are able to live ordered lives together .
29 The refusal of timber-growing countries in temperate regions to be bound by the same rules that apply to tropical timber producers has led to the collapse of attempts at meetings in Geneva to renegotiate the International Tropical Timber Agreement ( ITTA ) .
30 His words brought to her eyes the same look that is in an eagle 's eyes as she flies again above moorland of the Western Isles and watches , far below , her own shadow flighting across the wild moorland wastes of Callanish .
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