Example sentences of "government if [art] " in BNC.

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1 All hell would have been let loose by the French plants and the French Government if the boot had been on the other foot and anyone had attempted to transfer products and facilities from France to the UK .
2 MR MAJOR , who will have the right to try to form a government if the Conservatives have the most MPs without having an overall majority , told a rally in Wembley , north-west London , yesterday that the constitution was under threat from Labour and Liberal Democrat policies on devolution , Europe and electoral reform .
3 The water company is under an obligation to enhance drinking water standards because of a European Community directive and is liable to be prosecuted by the UK government if the improvements have not been undertaken by the end of 1995 .
4 Citrine , who , despite his wrangles with Gaitskell , was keen that Labour should win , warned in the summer of 1951 that he could no longer hold back the Area Board chairmen from politically damaging attacks on the Government if the investment controls were not relaxed .
5 The explanation of the statement is that Harold Macmillan , unworldly as he was , became increasingly conscious of the dangers to the government if the matter was not satisfactorily cleared up .
6 Civil servants were keen to discern how widespread public support was for the new measures , though they were aware , as they euphemistically put it , that there would be ‘ cause for complaint ’ with the government if the bill were blocked .
7 Does he agree that it is the height of irresponsibility to try to pretend that there can be a massive increase in spending from day one of a Government if the tax increases to pay for that are to be phased in ?
8 The South African Communist Party ( SACP — which had been unbanned in February ) was formally relaunched as a legal organization at a rally on July 29 [ see below ] , amid controversy over allegations that it had conspired with the ANC 's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe to use violence to overthrow the government if the current negotiations were to break down .
9 A protest march of 400 Indians took place in the federal capital , Ottawa , on July 17 , and on July 19 an unprecedented emergency meeting of 200 chiefs , comprising the Assembly of First Nations , demanded UN intervention and an international economic boycott of the Canadian federal government if the UN refused to intervene .
10 Advani threatened on Oct. 17 to withdraw BJP support from Prime Minister V. P. Singh 's minority National Front government if the Rath Yatra was halted .
11 Taking what one commentator called " the biggest gamble ever taken by any prime minister or president " , de Klerk promised his own resignation and that of his government if the referendum showed a " no " majority .
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