Example sentences of "government that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Convinced that a hung parliament was inevitable , Ashdown had begun to make demands for an immediate commitment to PR from a minority Labour government that a more sensible ( and sensitive ) politician would have left until after 9 April .
2 Before the broadcasts , both Brian Ross of NBC News and Pierre Salinger of ABC News had contacted Gregory W. Buhler , deputy general counsel of Pan Am , to inform him that they had obtained evidence from sources within the United States government that a DEA undercover operation was involved in the crash of Flight 103 .
3 ‘ The biggest challenge was convincing the government that a change in policy was necessary — and that it would be in everyone 's best interest , ’ commented Rupert Kidd .
4 On April 11 the UN Security Council , having meanwhile approved Resolution 689 on a demilitarized zone between Iraq and Kuwait , notified the government that a ceasefire in the Gulf was formally in effect .
5 This represented the first acknowledgment by the government that a rebellion was taking place .
6 The Chancellor said that the tax rate followed clear indications from the Government that a levy on the lottery would be imposed , but , he added , there would be no tax on winnings .
7 For example , it may be more important for a government that a public sector pay settlement appear to be within the limits of pay policy , than for it actually to be so .
8 Since those relations were daily growing in importance with the increase in trade , it was becoming more and more essential that all should try and give life to that necessary fiction of government that every man knew the laws of his country .
9 As for the principle of voluntarism , Working Paper 6 insists that " every doctor should participate in medical audit " ( DOH 1989 : 6 ) but the careful language is designed not to offend : the words " compulsory " or " mandatory " are never used and Pollitt reports that the BMA were successful in persuading the government that no new disciplinary procedures should be introduced for non-attendance .
10 The NRPB originally advised the government that an action level was required , above which householders should reduce the radon levels .
11 During the troubled times between 1880 and 1883 , when the Fenians were active , ( the IRA of that time ) , and successive dynamite outrages were arousing consternation throughout the country , an anonymous communication was received on the eve of one of Her Majesty 's periodical journeys warning the Government that an attempt would be made to wreck the Royal Train .
12 Yesterday Mr Kinnock presented a picture of a world changing so rapidly around the present government that the Prime Minister had become ‘ out of touch , out of date and out of step with the British people ’ .
13 The short answer is that the French government demanded guarantees from the Prussian government that the candidature would not be renewed in any circumstances , implying that since the government in Berlin was officially involved , only an official denial would satisfactorily end the affair .
14 It is an important principle of local government that the smaller councils are independent of , and not subordinate to , the larger councils .
15 Gay Switchboards have passed on information to every man who phoned in , self-help groups and caring services were set up , and — when there was time to breathe — attempts were made to persuade a reluctant government that the deaths of so many gay men was an issue worthy of their attention .
16 Sanders had been a Whip and a specialist in franchise matters before the war , so his return to Westminster gave an added impetus to the party campaign against the Bill ; he became a sort of unofficial party Whip against a government that the party supported , cooperated closely with George Younger , by this time Party Chairman , and eventually became deputy chairman of the party himself in 1918 .
17 In March 1922 Steel-Maitland proposed a strong motion of confidence in Younger that was a clear rebuke to his critics ; Younger lowered the temperature by asking Steel-Maitland to withdraw the motion , but the Executive accepted this only " on the understanding that Sir Laming Worthington-Evans would make known to his colleagues in the Government that the Committee would bring the matter up again unless the attacks by Ministers on Sir George Younger ceased " .
18 In the years immediately following 1945 , however , foreign exchange markets were so disrupted and so strongly under the control of government that the post-war government could establish its own internal programme while relatively insulated from international financial forces .
19 The consequent growing delays and a series of scandals put such pressure on the government that the prime minister , Margaret Thatcher , took the radical way out .
20 Who advised the Government that the assets of Hampshire Bus should be sold for £2 million ?
21 That morning , just after Sullivan had received a cable form Washington telling him to inform the new government that the United States would continue diplomatic relations with Iran , machine guns mounted on the surrounding buildings all opened up in a pre-arranged barrage .
22 We have urged in previous submissions to the Government that the Secretary of State should take up available powers under the 1991 Planning and Compensation Act to enable minerals planning authorities extinguish environmentally unacceptable old permissions ( including IDOs ) without compensation .
23 We support the views of the County Planning Officers Society and the Government that the 1981 provisions have not been widely used because of ( a ) the financial implications of compensation for minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) , ( b ) the staffing and resource implications for MPAs who were expected to implement the provisions , and ( c ) the complexity and cumbersome nature of the provisions themselves .
24 We have urged in previous submissions to the Government that the Secretary of State should take up available powers under the 1991 Planning and Compensation Act to enable minerals planning authorities extinguish environmentally unacceptable old permissions ( including IDOs ) without compensation .
25 Perhaps he will tell his constituents and Government that the submarine-building programme is near to collapse .
26 As the future funding of the project is so uncertain and vague , are we to assume either that there is a private understanding between British Rail and the Government that the Government will pay the capital cost , or that the capital cost will be taken from other British Rail capital investment programmes , such as rail electrification ?
27 Was not that change in turn due to a realisation by the Soviet Government that the Governments of western countries , particularly the British Government , were not going to adopt a policy of one-sided nuclear disarmament , despite the urgings of Opposition Members ?
28 I do not think much of the House of Lords anyhow , but it is essential for the proper performance of parliamentary government that the major Bills — this is one — are introduced first in this House .
29 The move followed the failure of " Operation Footloose " , an Army offensive launched in January 1990 , and was widely seen as an acceptance by the government that the escalating conflict could not be resolved by military means .
30 Humberto Ortega Saavedra , the Chief of the Armed Forces in neighbouring Nicaragua , denied on Nov. 25 a suggestion by the El Salvador government that the guerrillas had obtained the missiles from Nicaragua .
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