Example sentences of "government [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 GOVERNMENT euphoria surrounding the performance of the economy in recent weeks may burst this week after new statistics which are forecast to show Britain 's climb out of recession is slowing .
2 At Friday 's meeting , Mr Stewart told the union representatives and the Labour MPs Donald Dewar and George Galloway that while he would be working strenuously to help ease the plight of the Albion workers , he could offer little hope of any Government money to support the stricken plant .
3 At Friday 's meeting , Mr Stewart told the union representatives and the Labour MPs , Donald Dewar and George Galloway , that while he would be working strenuously to help ease the plight of the Albion workers , he could offer little hope of any Government money to support the stricken plant .
4 However , while Mr Stewart said he would be working strenuously to help ease the plight of the Albion workers , he could offer little hope of any Government money to support the stricken plant .
5 After her veto of the Alvey committee 's plans to use government money to back a new era of computer research ( last issue , p 3 ) , ministers have now postponed publication of their White Paper on cabling Britain because two government departments can not agree on how it should be paid for .
6 He said £22.4m. of government money had been spent in the town through housing associations since 1979 , creating 1,194 units of accommodation .
7 Here the National Coal Board is investing Government money to sink new deep mines , each costing about £50 million .
8 The decision will appal many MPs who want to see Government money spent on reviving British industry — not overseas competition .
9 Central government money comes in the form of the rate support grant .
10 One effect of this Treasury influence which has been suggested is that organizations which are not under direct Treasury control have avoided being audited by the C. and A. G. Hence , some big spenders of government money have adopted other forms of audit .
11 Supposed old master paintings bought by Imelda Marcos , wife of the deposed President of the Philippines , with stolen government money have been hauled out of storage — and found to be fakes .
12 Government money has poured into the UKAEA 's coffers .
13 Government money has been used to make a super-grid of power cables to switch electricity from one town to another and form one part of Britain to another .
14 Yet at the end of the eighties the only government money paid to BR was the rapidly dwindling subsidy paid to Provincial and Network SouthEast sectors to support loss-making services and talk continued of ‘ bustitution ’ , however ridiculed it was by professional transport executives .
15 The government deficit fell to 2.2% of GDP .
16 Over the same period , real wages fell by 18.5 per cent ( in 1970 it was estimated by DEPLAN , the government planning agency , that there was 25 per cent excess capacity in the economy ) , the government deficit increased rapidly until in 1973 it was greater than the revenue of the government , the rate of growth of fixed investment fell dramatically and the balance of payments was in deficit , on both currant and capital account , throughout the whole period .
17 Yet the handling of the report has made the government look fumbling and unprepared .
18 The ban on party politics at local government level had been partially lifted with effect from May 21 , and was completely lifted on June 3 .
19 Yes , I am indeed a Labour member of this Local Authority , and I certainly would argue that both national and local governments need at local government level need to take much more up front stances about the encouragement of equal opportunities for women , both in the labour market and in all educational and social spheres .
20 Anyone standing for election at local government level has to have an election agent .
21 These are agrarian reform programs , planned at government level to alter land distribution and modernise traditional agricultural methods , and also policies concerning food production and distribution .
22 In the original presentation to the Majlis on Feb. 20 , the government budget had been set at IR5,596,000 million and revenue at IR4,009,000 million , giving a projected deficit of IR1,587,000 million .
23 The redistributive impact of the government budget involves numerous problems , which are illustrated below in the form of a convenient list provided by O'Higgins ( 1980 ) and Ruggles ( 1991 ) .
24 Lt.-Col. Désiré " Desi " Bouterse on Nov. 20 resigned as C.-in-C. of the Army , Early reports suggested that he had opposed a government decision to commemorate the deaths of 15 people murdered by the army in December 1982 [ see pp. 31950-51 ] .
25 The resignation follows a government decision to back a Scottish landowner 's amendment to the Scottish National Heritage Bill ( as reported in last month 's issue of Outdoor Action .
26 A Government decision to move the DoE to Thomas More Square , Canary Wharf , Harbour Exchange or East India Dock would keep Docklands alive and kicking .
27 The uncorroborated announcement coincided with a government decision to extend the current state of emergency within the province and to step up its military campaign against the secessionists .
28 Mr Patten 's decision and guidance are a clear boost to planning , local government decision making , and the environment .
29 While pluralist writers can not be interpreted as suggesting that there is a perfect or even extensive distribution of political power through the mechanism of interest participation in government decision making , — ’ what pluralists do argue is that more groups are involved in making decisions than is suggested by Marxist and elitists , who claim that a particular class or group has a monopoly of influence .
30 Legislation in 1988 brought with it the central government decision to abolish the Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) by 1990 , despite the opposition of 93 per cent of parents in Inner London .
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