Example sentences of "where [pers pn] say " in BNC.

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1 Three weeks later at a meeting I knew I had to come to the point where I said yes or no to Jesus .
2 For Oldfield , exacting a satisfactory arrangement with Virgin had become a point of principle , inextricably entwined with his feelings for the man whom he had long regarded as friend and protector , and his need to prove something to himself : ‘ It had got to a point where I said I ca n't respect myself unless I 'm prepared to stand up and fight Richard .
3 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will look at the Official Report tomorrow and tell me where I said that information should be hidden from parents .
4 Yeah , so yeah ah you 're alright so you 'll say yeah course I 'm alright , there 's no fee , so eventually I get to the point where I said look I did say there 's no fee involved but I 'd , I , that 's a bit of a lie because there is a fee for all the work I 'm er but it comes in the form of referrals , in the form of recommendation , not actual money .
5 so , I know , I never ended up where I said I was going either cos erm I met this Rus Russian lady and her sister was with her as well and we were er , she advised me not to go to Russia for the time being because it will be over , she said there 's gon na be a lot of blood shed
6 And this is the bit where I said you need to sit with your partner and all , and really think about what your objectives and write them down .
7 ‘ And that 's the fork in the road where you said left and I said right . ’
8 I du n no know where you said .
9 I , I would suggest that any areas here at , as a overall statement where you said things do n't apply to continuous , that those are actually taken out and that every procedure applies to everything , unless it is specifically removed and your continuous one allows you the
10 At th you know at the side of the airport where you said ooh and they 've even got a swimming pool !
11 Then I 'll park my car where you said and I 'll sit there till
12 Oh that 's the one where you said turn round
13 Provided you did n't get away with , you , you know your first example 's okay , but your second example where you said , ‘ Well , I hope the Council some good , I have n't the authority , ’ that 's not such a good example , because , to the listener
14 ‘ You have to go through your egocentricities , you have to become so absorbed by the whole thing until you reach the point where you say , ‘ No , get those sequins away from me !
15 And also , as he watched the boxer on the television , Boy began to think that there are two kinds of sex : the kind of sex where you say do this , do that , or you manoeuvre yourself into position for a particular kind of pleasure ; and then there is the other kind of sex , where you want not someone else 's body that had done those things the night before or the afternoon before .
16 a place where you say , in a voice so new it shines , I like
17 No longer will you find yourself pushing on to a point where you say " that will do " and hastily include a few rounding off sentences .
18 You see where you say we 're holding them ? ’
19 Sorry can I just come back to Mr 's point , where you say , that the current rate of vacancy .
20 But then that question was asked last night erm from one chap about sport versus the arts and I suppose to me it is a quality of life issue erm where do you start an and stop I mean you have a problem when you have a recession do n't you , where you say okay we i we are in a recession we have got limited resources we have to make decisions .
21 If you look at your paragraph one three Mr , under item eight where you say a bracket equals weight .
22 Never ever get into a situation where you say , ‘ Well informally and off the record , ’ because , because it will come back and haunt you subsequently .
23 He could n't dismiss the images , he could n't stay Time 's hand as it turned page after page of that memory-album until tears flooded his eyes at the scenes recalled : his mother , her brown hair screwed into a bun at the back of her head , taking him to see a house at Edgeworthstown where she said a famous woman writer had lived ; he had n't paid much attention , not being interested in books then , but when he grew older he read Maria Edgeworth 's novels and went again for himself to gaze at her home .
24 About the only decent argument I 've heard on this , I have to say that because it was my daughter who advanced it , about the only decent argument I have heard is the one about badger baiting where she said to me but badger baiting is not allowed on your land and that is the point precisely that Mr made , it is not allowed because that is the law of the land and that is where decisions about the permission or otherwise of fox hunting should be made .
25 Erm , but in fact , she 's she 's missed the third sentence and , where she said that the rose has withstood many sicknesses and evils , erm , whereas in fact , what it says is it withstands and succours against sicknesses and evils , which is a totally different element .
26 Now the other side of that was a plea which came from our switchboard supervisor , which I 'll come onto in a moment , where she said people will often think that of her telephonist , but in actual fact , it 's because they have n't got the right information from people at this end , so there is another side to that story .
27 She has bruising on her wrists from where she says he held her down . ’
28 ( I am reminded of a passage in a book by Doris Lessing , where she says : ‘ I want this court to condemn Volyen utterly , root and branch , for failing to instruct its young in the rules that its own psychologists and anthropologists have extracted from research and study : for failing to arm its youth with information that would enable it — the youth — to resist being swept away with any system of ideas that happens to be available ’ . )
29 Perestroika has reached the point where she says ‘ you are talking about Hursley Plc essentially … it 's a question of ‘ you go run it and do your thing ’ ’ .
30 The bit on the video , something to do with that bit , where she says to him , What did , what are you going to say ?
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