Example sentences of "same time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He followed her gaze and the barman lifted his right hand in a drink-pouring gesture , nodding at the same time towards the clock which showed five minutes to eleven .
2 A famous 19th century thinker once observed that ‘ the class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production ’ .
3 Van den Boogard suggested that in the Anglo-Norman fabliaux the author assumes what he calles the persona of the clerk , i.e. a character looking for respect and admiration for his ability to tell a fascinating tale of intrigue ( inter alia ) , whereas a French author is more likely to adopt the persona of the jongleur , shocking by his anarchism but amusing at the same time through his self-mockery .
4 Assuming that the ultimate disclosure is made at the same time under either rule , they receive only $50 for their share without insider trading .
5 I dipped my head and brought the gun up at the same time without thinking .
6 In I made him eat his potatoes , similarly , where the realizer of eat is " him " only , the person referred to by the direct object is represented as being involved in eating at the same time during which he is the object of the causation denoted by make : since make evokes the idea of " producing an effect " , it is impossible to conceive the making as being under way before the effect has started coming into existence .
7 This is her first season with Senior League side Portadown and she has already established a regular place on the firsts , developing at the same time into one of the most promising players in the country .
8 It will be impossible for all members of a governing body to absorb all that needs to be known about the vast subject of special needs and to be adequately informed at the same time about all the other endeavours which they have to promote .
9 ‘ Fundamental questions are being posed at the same time about the company itself and about the strategic character of the industry . ’
10 The Pereires , however , did not know modern commercial banking , which developed at about the same time across the channel in England .
11 Even without rearranging the order of the records in the database , it was considered possible to use them to examine the actual organisation in a manner similar to that of the comparison stage of the SSM , ie by listing all activities and posing questions about their existence and effectiveness in the real situation , at the same time considering information-related problems .
12 Review the effect of these changes in relation to administrative and clerical staff overall , at the same time considering the potential advantages of reallocating those posts that provide direct support for teaching departments .
13 For this reason the constables of many royal castles were appointed at the same time to be wardens of neighbouring forests : the constable of Rockingham castle was usually warden of the forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges ; the constable of Porchester kept Bere Porchester Forest ; the constable of Devizes kept Chippenham and Melksham Forests ; the constable of St Briavels the Forest of Dean ; the constable of Castleton the Forest of the Peak ; and the constable of Windsor castle was also warden of Windsor Forest .
14 About agoraphobia and claustrophobia and the paradoxical desire to be let out into unconfined space , the wild moorland , the open ground , and at the same time to be closed into tighter and tighter impenetrable small spaces — like Emily Dickinson 's voluntary confinement , like the Sibyl 's jar .
15 He had a calculator to help , but tried to keep his temper , his blood this side of boiling point and a little , at least , of social grace by listening at the same time to a Schubert piano sonata on a portable radio alongside .
16 In such phrases one sees a characteristic Tolkienian strength : his ideas were often paradoxical and had deep intellectual roots , but they appealed at the same time to simple things and to everyday experience .
17 The realisation came at the same time to both of them .
18 It is interesting to compare Ferguson 's reaction to Vidor 's film with his reaction at much the same time to the newly released It Happened One Night , which Frank Capra had directed for Columbia .
19 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
20 These authorities are presided over by the National Water Council , set up at the same time to be a central co-ordinating body to give advice on major matters of policy ( Times , 1978 ) .
21 It has been the sometimes unspoken assumption of these two parallel debates — whose spokespersons are often one and the same — that to be on the side of modernity and modernism is to be on the side of critical theory , and that to be a postmodernist is at the same time to be in sympathy with poststructuralism .
22 For them the answer to the question of interpretation , and at the same time to the question of evaluation , is provided by the concept of structure ; good literature or poetry is distinguished from bad literature or non-literature by an objective structure of meaning , the balancing or reconciliation of opposing attitudes or terms .
23 It seems , then , that not only may an entrepreneur-producer be a monopolist because he happens at the same time to be a monopolist resource owner , he may be a monopolist because he has made himself a monopolist resource owner in the course of his entrepreneurial activities .
24 It moves towards the acceptance of belonging at the same time to a larger enterprise which combines the strengths of sharing and collaboration and the sharpness of keeping an eye out for one 's own survival .
25 Er a similar cautious approach which none of them took yesterday when on examination it was found that there was more potential there than before , erm so to help with the figures I have found very helpful erm appendix eight to the er York City Council erm statement , I think it appears in both of their statements appendix eight Greater York housing provision sorry , could could I also direct you at the same time to the County Council 's N Y five appendix three now the , the two make interesting comparisons because they both start of with the same H one proposal of nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , and I 'll remind you there , sir , that only five thousand seven hundred of those are required by the existing population , four thousand of those are for migrants , and the two schedules go of in slightly different directions under the heading of completions , and the reason for that , sir , is that the the Greater York , the er County Council 's figures , as you can see were computed in October nineteen ninety two when only seven hundred dwellings had been completed , yet six months later , under item C for the Greater York er housing provision figure , York Ci York City Council figures , the completions were one thousand and sixty three .
26 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
27 Each of the batsmen has had his moments , unfortunately not enough of them and not at the same time to a sufficient degree .
28 There is a difference , I think , between making children feel responsible for righting the wrongs of the world that we as adults have created , but at the same time to be able to enable them to think constructively as to what they can do .
29 At the same time beside the Alliance Works ' numerous sidings were two-and-a-half-miles of viaduct waiting to go to Argentina .
30 His accuracy and stinginess with runs made him almost without equal as a one-day bowler , for he could both contain and attack at the same time since the bounce he got from his great height and the control he had over the ball gave him the extra penetration that brought wickets .
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