Example sentences of "'m also [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm also grateful that you did n't … you did n't take advantage of what was between us six years ago .
2 Erm , just a word about the previous speaker , I 'm also involved with water meters and if he wants to know how to , how to make them go backwards , if he can speak to me afterwards I do n't have .
3 And I 'm also pleased to see most seed companies acknowledging that they are revivals ; in the past they have often tried to pretend that these reintroductions were stunning new breakthroughs .
4 I 'm also pleased to be able to welcome Bill , to the meeting tonight .
5 ‘ I 'm also pleased that I now have a style I can easily recreate at home .
6 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
7 I 'm also convinced that the viewer likes continuity .
8 I 'm also sorry to disappoint all those writers on anorexia nervosa who insist that the disease stems from a long standing aversion to sexuality and childbirth .
9 I 'm also familiar with the fact that they are no longer with us .
10 yes , I 'm living at home but I 'm also married and I 've been married three times before , and I 've got six children now .
11 I 'm also sure another influence was Disco Tex And His Sex-O-Lettes .
12 And what I 'm also sure of is she wo n't want to see me .
13 I 'm also sure that they 're well and truly hidden from prying eyes like yours or mine . ’
14 I feel it did , I strongly feel it , feel that , but I 'm also sure that its an awful lot easier than , than most people think , but its not going to work for us is it ?
15 I 'm also responsible for arranging the celebrities ' schedule for the week .
16 I 'm also annoyed by the timespots Tod allows for each section .
17 I envy her her happiness — she ca n't help it shining out of her but I 'm also bitter against her for saddling me with this lot , and for changing-me from what I was : she made the young girl into a woman before her time and a bitter one at that .
18 ‘ I 'm surprised the Barnet fans have n't got together to try to get the club taken over and I 'm also surprised that Barry Fry is still there . ’
19 ‘ I 'm also angry because my husband is n't working so he will be able to get his legal aid for free .
20 I 'm also concerned about the safety of other er pedestrians , mothers with babies and young children , or older children and even teenagers .
21 Er I 'm also concerned that the services in er even a village that size would be erm overwhelmed by the demands of erm large scale development , but that 's the largest , there are a range of other settlements which are mostly much smaller and even much less able to accommodate , or act as a nucleus for large scale development .
22 I 'm also concerned that if they went down School Lane , although I think it you know I understand they 've got to go to Norwood Gardens and things , that with the car park at The Plough now being blocked I mean School Lane at peak times for schools is a nightmare .
23 But they 're not the only ones , by the way , I 'm also concerned about the fact that more and more young people seem to be in this syndrome and I 've a feeling that that comes down not just to government things , but also to the problems in the family as a whole .
24 I 'm also loath to take off stitches instead in case the garment ends up too small .
25 ‘ I 'm also blind .
26 whether it 's to do archaeology heritage graduate which I 'm also interested
27 That 's one of the reasons why I 'm , why I 'm also interested in er in Freud because I think Freud provides that , I happen to think that Freud 's studies of , of crowd group psychology actually explain that , although it takes time to you know , certainly not at five minutes to four , it takes time to explain , but I think there is an explanation there and I think you c y y you can claim that there are certain emotions to do with identification and idealization , th that our genes have a programmer which things like erm nationalistic erm , erm er kind of jingoism can exploit in a modern culture which in primal cultures would have primal cultures people identify with their , with their local kin and their local culture and that 's that might ultimately promote their reproductive success , but that in modern cultures , this identification occurs with erm on a completely different level and with lots of people will not merely because you need so many more people modern cultures you have much more erm much bigger groups and you just meet many more people that , than you were ever th there is some interesting research , research recently published for instance which shows erm organizations seem to have a critical size and that people are not really able to track more than about two hundred and fifty other people , in other words you can have face-to-face relationships with up to about two hundred and fifty others , but once it gets beyond two hundred and fifty it 's too much and you start forgetting somebody as if the brain was primed to an optimum group size and once you get above that you just ca n't keep .
28 I 'm also scared out of my cerebellum .
29 ‘ No , I 'm afraid I ca n't — and I 'm also afraid that you might have to face up to the fact that Silas has n't got private talks in mind , ’ Lucy pointed out gently .
30 I 'm also thrilled by the terrific response to my December letter , when I asked you to pinpoint the key issues that you believe should be tackled by the Government in order to put Britain back on the right tracks for 1992 : not surprisingly , childcare comes high on your list , as it does in the questionnaire .
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