Example sentences of "going over the " in BNC.

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1 Now , the next gig was weeks ahead at Earls Court in London and there was a choice of sailing round the Cape of Good Hope , going over the Khyber Pass or going on the Trans-Siberian Express .
2 During Mark 's absence in Spain , ‘ the mole ’ Fred Klepner had spent countless hours going over the Ten Year Business plan which was to be the subject of the presentation Mark was to give to Nate Cocello at the next Planning Committee meeting .
3 Two days before Mark returned to England , Klepner spent a whole day with Muldoon going over the plan .
4 I just managed to catch her as she was going over the edge . ’
5 But in the last minute of the first half they gave away a penalty for going over the top at a ruck and Aled Williams , the Swansea outside-half , made no mistake from 20 yards to establish a 10–0 lead .
6 I 'm not an expert fighter and I did n't know I was going over the top .
7 On the other hand , the sum may be out by several thousands without the mistake being detectable except by laboriously going over the addition step by step .
8 I ended up going over the falls and being held under for a long time , and thinking there was no way I was going to come up before the next wave came across .
9 A stiff breeze on the outward leg made it hard going over the longer half of the race , resulting in slower times .
10 ‘ Today I can have a drink like the next man without going over the top , ’ he wrote in his self-confessional biography , ‘ I suppose I have learned my lesson the hard way . ’
11 Headache from the back of the head going over the forehead worse ( < ) night , noise , cold air , better ( > ) heat and pressure .
12 Are the Americans going over the top again , or is this an indictment which we should place on trial ?
13 He had tried to give up and was going over the problems he 'd come across and continued :
14 How many units of alcohol could a normal weight man take without going over the limit ? a.2 b.4 c.8 d.10
15 Going over the limit in the privacy of your own home just once or twice a year probably wo n't do any lasting damage .
16 As soon as Delaney stumbled through he was sent reeling by a wave , clutching at a pillar for support , and nearly going over the side .
17 It 's funny but life seems infinitely sweeter ( you 're going over the top now ) ; anyway I thrive on challenges and this is the ultimate one .
18 Within a couple of minutes of going over the destroyer 's port side , Donald Roy 's kilted Scotsmen were attacking the pumphouse 50 yards from the caisson ( 'H' on diagram p. 41 ) .
19 This time balls did strike the walls , some going over the top , but no real damage was done .
20 Going over the top e.g. screaming at the kids over something minor
21 His mother was in , seated at her kitchen desk and gloomily going over the month 's bills — her Persian lamb coat made the Hudson 's Bay bill look enormous , and , at the rate she was paying it off , it would take until next Easter to clear it .
22 As he puffed the cigar to life , he shook his head , a man weary of going over the same ground again .
23 He did the 60-mile run in 2 hrs 55 mins — and was ticked off for going over the 20mph speed limit .
24 ‘ The risk of drinkers inadvertently going over the limit is tragically high , ’ the report says .
25 I ca n't remember the cost but you need to buy a plastic pump and a large bottle of the solution , it 'll last for ages and a good going over the whole house once a month will probably be your best bet .
26 ‘ Businesses which have been clinging on for months are now going over the edge . ’
27 More than half of those questioned admitted to ‘ going over the top ’ when disciplining their children .
28 But she had to battle for a York neck victory from Satank and trainer Jack Berry said : ‘ She ran well , but looked to be going over the top .
29 And he warned his opponents : ‘ If you are going over the top on me you 've got to put me out of the game .
30 Already Lavender 's scheming mind was going over the possibilities that this water-jug job had opened up for her .
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