Example sentences of "'m [v-ing] quite " in BNC.

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1 I 'm getting quite good at summing people up . ’
2 ‘ You know , I 'm getting quite used to this invisible business , ’ Mitch muttered to Maggie when they were at last settled to their table .
3 Do you know , I 'm getting quite attached to that tune .
4 The outfits are also useful for training ; when I am on the back straight at West London , Ron can see what I 'm doing quite clearly , especially on the video afterwards .
5 In fact , I 'm doing quite well at the moment . ’
6 ‘ I 'm doing quite a lot of work behind the scenes and talking to various people but I 'm not rushing into anything .
7 I 'm doing quite well really , I 'm quite good .
8 I 'm doing quite well actually , mine are clearing up a bit .
9 John told the paper : ‘ I feel strong and I 'm coping quite well . ’
10 ‘ I have nothing more to tell you and I 'm feeling quite exhausted . ’
11 I 'm feeling quite inspired . ’
12 ‘ It 's been a long day , and I 'm feeling quite tired . ’
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