Example sentences of "erm so i " in BNC.

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1 erm so I 'm aware I 'm I just like to know if Gordon is actually aware of the terms like team working net working erm .
2 Yeah that 's right they cos Erm so I 've got a whole long list of all these people who used to belong to Harlow which is absolutely enormous .
3 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
4 Erm so I would say , I 'll just wrap this up erm on on erm on on on this point the er by making by introducing the fact that some , some historians have argued that these wars were short .
5 So I was going to rummage through these slides and we do n't have them , erm so I 'll have to , I 'll hand the , the , the book around in just one minute , erm the poems that I 'm going to read to you , very few of them are actually complete , most of them are sketches erm ideas and images of erm , that I 've got , I 've , I 've got them from the paintings .
6 is much more of a go down in colour , erm so I think probably if I 'd seen her , er prints I maybe I would of approached this erm differently , erm it gave me a very immense voice about crowds , erm , very , very different from the front of the picture apart from the alarm registered in the eyes of the , of the old woman erm , this is called Even Paradise Has Its End , sorry Even Paradise Has Its Price , sorry Ours in the night laying between sleep and arousal held in balance , fragile as dust on a scale , night spirit 's sit easy , in no hurry , even paradise has its price , would you like me to read that one again ?
7 Erm so I 'll just move my briefcase .
8 Erm so I do n't honestly remember at what point the line that er Mr Bruce refers to er was removed or was transformed into what we have here .
9 Erm so I 'm making some progress there .
10 Erm in fact incredibly so erm Very nice place to work actually erm so I 'll do a bit of friendly chasing .
11 Er , my my natural mother er , actually had me adopted when I was a baby and erm so I was actually adopted by a minister and his wife and I think , erm , I would have been brought up completely differently if she , she 'd just bought me up on her own , you know , so I think erm oh that 's it really .
12 Erm so I 've got to telephone him tomorrow and sort sort of make happy and erm forthright noises about money .
13 S erm so I had to subtract these two .
14 Erm so I may sort of look into it a bit more maybe get a bit more experience
15 Erm so I take I understand your point we are aware of it and we think our campaign will take take er those factors into account .
16 And erm So I 'm glad that the flats are coming down .
17 Erm so I did the two year C C Q S W course .
18 Erm so I 'll start by looking at some of the er factors .
19 But I mean , now you see erm I , I 've got to er go to since they closed Central , and I have n't got a car erm so I 'm not going to carry thing , I ca n't I 'm with , with arthritis in my back I ca n't , I ca n't carry really only a very small bag , so this was
20 Erm so I 'm not unhappy and about competence as well .
21 Erm so I I 'm confident that the job that 's there to be done , in Greater Manchester West , I will be able to do er to my satisfaction , hopefully to the party 's as well .
22 A lot of old people , we 're talking about who have a very strong feeling of community within , within the area erm so I think that community spirit exists , but , but I think , but I think it exists despite the condition of unemployment that exists in the area .
23 Erm so I think possibly people do n't really feel responsible for that , for those , that space within the flats which is n't actually right outside their front door .
24 Think of conductances , every time you think of conductance just write one over R. Erm so I think you can do , do it without working but if you need to it 's there , so I 'll leave that .
25 Erm so I , I need
26 Erm so I really do n't know , I mean i tt in a sense I , I sort of feel that , that justice would be that , that our division would come out reasonably well from these discussions
27 erm so I do n't think there is a , the role required in the Selby area in the same sense and
28 I thought well after ten years , I thought , well I want I still want to get on and erm so I heard of this job down at Cambridge Station as Assistant Manageress at the Refreshment Rooms , you see , and er it was n't quite the same because er at Ipswich , you see , although the Catering Manager 's office er my work was office work and typing you know general thing and er because he was away most of the day , most days , because of er er the ten stations er from stretching as I say from Chelmsford , Witham , Marks Tey , Colchester and er I think it was Clacton and er and Manningtree and er I think , I do n't know Manningtree and Ipswich of course and er then er Bury St Edmunds and , and that 's it and I am not sure whether you went to Newmarket or whether to Ca whether to Cambridge now Newmarket but er , you see , so the days went on and we worked every other Sunday and of course I know things were a lot cheaper then but you see the pay was n't , was n't very good .
29 quite easy , well it was comparatively easy , only trouble was of course that erm at night erm one had to go right down from County Hall to Barrett Corner to get on the bus because they were so full by the time they got to County Hall and erm so I used to walk down there with erm a chap from the Education Department , who was in the Works and Stores , a chap and erm , he was quite helpful .
30 Erm I then , erm sent a memo to the t erm County er Clerk of the Council and erm applied for upgrading and erm so I was then taken , I was put on the permanent staff .
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