Example sentences of "work on an " in BNC.

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1 After much hesitation he had at last begun work on an autobiography which , sadly , remains unfinished .
2 It was reminiscent of one of those terrifying cases in which a hospital porter appears in court after donning a white coat , insinuating himself into the operating theatre , and setting to work on an appendix .
4 Wolfgang had begun work on an operatic version of Beaumarchais ' controversial play Le Mariage de Figaro , which had been performed for the first time in Paris the year before .
5 IBM Corp has been sued by E-Systems Inc , which alleges that it broke a contract for electronics work on an Air Force aircraft : according to the Dallas Morning News , E-Systems is seeking $65m in damages from IBM ; the dispute involves the Talon Combat II aircraft , which IBM is building with Lockheed Corp ; E-Systems signed a 1988 agreement to integrate and install equipment on the plane as an IBM subcontractor .
6 I have even managed to persist so long that the final work on an article was dealt with by the third editor , but that owed something to my delays as well .
7 Williams work on an annual budget of around £20 million .
8 The women in the controlled zones wished to organize to fight for the right to participate in production and defence work on an equal basis with men .
9 were written in this way , because erm there was a move from a certain part of the organization to exclude the Q Ss from elements of work on an unreasonable to an unreasonable extent .
10 Swainson had begun work on an encyclopedia of zoology , but this project was then transformed into a series of volumes for the Cabinet Cyclopedia organized by Dionysius
11 Sir , Further to Andrew Hayward 's rallying cry ( Viewpoint , 16th April ) , I have long nursed a fantasy that we could catch the national imagination in all age groups with a simple generic advertising slogan as catchy as ‘ Use Your Loaf ’ and ‘ Go to Work on an Egg ’ .
12 To completely eliminate any risk of static work on an earthed metal surface ( the kitchen drainer will do ) or wear a metal bracelet connected by a flexible wire to any bare earthed metal such as a central heating pipe .
13 It might involve survey and dating of a length of hedge , by identifying and counting the shrub species it contains , a graveyard survey , or detailed survey work on an archaeological site or in a settlement .
14 The fire escape on the first floor of Kilbreck House had been removed during building work on an extension .
15 surely there 's bound to be an employment in credits , does , does telephone not work on an employment credit scheme ?
16 But if it makes easy sense when we learn that after the ground clearing achieved in the early publications Joyce sets to work on an enormous new fictional venture , guesses about new preoccupations and the leaving behind of old collapse in face of the reality of Ulysses , for in it we read , among a thousand turnings and an wanderings , of a single day , the sixteenth of June nineteen hundred and four , in Dublin , and how two characters , separately and together , live out that day among the welter of their acquaintance , their needs and deeds and thoughts , their places of refuge and of risk , and if one of these two , Leopold Bloom , is new , the other is Stephen Daedalus , and Dublin is everywhere in the novel , almost to the point where everywhere is Dublin .
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