Example sentences of "too often in " in BNC.

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1 First , she lost the opening singles match 6-3 , 6-3 to Jana Novotna then she dithered far too often in the deciding doubles after Graf had , as expected , levelled the score by crushing Helena Sukova 6-2 , 6-1 in the other singles match .
2 It happens in the musical world that conductors sometimes rely on their performers to do their work for them ; it is currently happening rather too often in the field of ‘ early music ’ .
3 They were predictable in attack and , as was proved all too often in the second half , fragile in defence .
4 The campaign has been given additional clout this weekend , with referees under instruction to dismiss instantly anyone guilty of head-high tackles on or off the ball , and not to send them to the sin-bin where they have gone too often in the past .
5 All too often in politics we are handicapped by the fact that Mrs Jones has done something a certain way for twenty-seven years and therefore must be allowed to do it again this time .
6 Precisely the same has happened all too often in the relationship between the theologian and the philosopher .
7 All too often in this work , Lovell maintained , ideological effects were ‘ read off ’ from the film text itself , thus conflating the constructed or implied reader with actual viewers — and leaving the latter out of account altogether .
8 The quota is ignored too often in British industry , but this stipulation does at least give you some extra security .
9 Too often in the past , schools/industry work has suffered from an inability to present value for money indicators and this we suggest is one of the strengths of the TPS .
10 Too often in the past , he said , politicians had been bamboozled by specialists into believing that the problems were so great that the answer was to set up bodies like the UGC and let them make the decisions .
11 Too often in the past , when changes have been made , managers have been the last to know .
12 Opinion polls suggested a Conservative win , but they had been wrong too often in the past to inspire confidence .
13 The question of unfair dismissal figures too often in employment law to leave the operation of Clause 8 to chance .
14 She was difficult to disguise , being tall and strikingly blonde with a face that had appeared too often in newspapers and smart magazines .
15 Too often in lean times the poorest are asked to make the largest sacrifices .
16 Sheffield United have been trapped by the candid camera too often in the past and Bassett thinks the prying lens is wrong in all sorts of ways .
17 This is the best known part of Lochaber and indeed probably the best known part of the Highlands , familiar to most visitors to Scotland , featured in ballads and too often in newspaper headlines , a Mecca for adventurers and everywhere displaying spectacular scenery on a grand scale .
18 Economic growth since 1945 might be slow , and often was , manufactures sluggish and the national balance of payments too often in deficit ; but in literature , by the 1960s , Britain was back .
19 ALL too often in Africa , outsiders give charity with one hand and deliver a slap with the other .
20 It 's an attitude we do n't get too often in England . ’
21 The tightness and speed of the narrative , too , has its effect on the direct , concrete prose style which , too often in the earlier books , had become prosy and had lost shape in informative interpolations .
22 The playing on the Inbal version is very nearly as refined as Marriner 's , but too often in this performance the expressive rubato sounds studied .
23 It was the sort of mistake he had made too often in the past and accounted for him standing on the brink of a lonely middle age .
24 They can be blended , but too often in our secular society , they are poorly-understood styles of behaviour acted out between men and women in conflicting ways .
25 Too often in the public sector final outputs become reducible to vague and unquantifiable notions of public good , which leads in many cases to the measurement instead of more easily quantified — but possibly misleading-intermediate outputs .
26 Too often in the past there has been an over-reliance on the traditional overdraft facilities in preference to term loans and equity finance , even though the latter may be more appropriate .
27 And I had a feeling that a certain exter with spiky reptilian skin and several eyes was also appearing too often in my wake .
28 Too often in communication we try to teach the other person our language and concepts and then communicate in this language .
29 I certainly hope that every executive agency will apply for a charter mark , which will be seen as a clear reward to those in public service who provide customer satisfaction , which all too often in the past has been sadly missing .
30 That would need the full , undivided and unambiguous support of every decent person in Northern Ireland , and the support of the Dublin Government , who have equivocated too often in the past .
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