Example sentences of "here than [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's nicer walking here than on the strand .
2 The wider range of styles prompts five vocalists ; Souzay is the least satisfactory , sounding woolier here than on the Fauré set , but again , his intuitive style more than makes amends .
3 If anything , Carter seem more relaxed and sane here than on previous occasions when I 've met them back in Blighty .
4 In this sample , however , not one parent wanted it for their own child , and in general they were more prescriptive about what was morally correct for other parents here than on any other issue .
5 The Firth was much broader here than at Dalmeny and , if it had not been a clear day , Corbett could have almost believed they were out on the open sea .
6 ‘ Much greener here than at home , is n't it , ’ said Angalo .
7 If the dog runs away , it may be much harder to find it here than at home .
8 Immediately below the terrace was the Mauzère , wider and deeper here than at Les Châtaigniers and flowing less swiftly .
9 When the subject of education was brought up and it was pointed out that the girl had not been going to school he said that she was not learning anything at school anyway , that she was much safer here than at the school she had been to , where she had been threatened with knives in the playground and that she could learn all a wife needed to know better at home .
10 There is more reliance on inferencing here than at any other node .
11 ‘ I 'd still rather be up here than down there , though .
12 ‘ Well , this might come as a surprise to you , but I felt safer here than down there .
13 The igneous complex is composed for the most part of very resistant rocks , and less erosion has taken place here than with the other rock types , so that this region contains some of the highest hills in the Outer Hebrides , such as Roneval , Bleaval and Chaipaval .
14 Blood may have continued to ooze for some time after death , though less so here than from a dependent part .
15 From it , Glen Loy opens an inviting way into the hilly interior but the object that most excites attention is the tremendous bulk of Ben Nevis on the far side of the valley , better seen from here than from any other low viewpoint .
16 The jokes are copious , hit-and-miss and very broad ( the credits include a ‘ collapsing dunny specialist ’ ) : we 're in Life of Brian territory , which may be more congenial here than in America , where the film failed to reproduce its massive success on home turf .
17 The jokes are very broad ( the credits include a ‘ collapsing dunny specialist ’ ) : we 're in Life of Brian territory , which may be more congenial here than in America , where the film failed to reproduce its massive success on home turf .
18 Why then , people wonder , is inflation so much higher here than in our main competitor countries ?
19 There is a third political aim which emerges from Formen , and which is clearer here than in any other of Marx 's writings .
20 Fourth , specialist producers , more common here than in the rest of the EC , will face greater income cuts than those with mixed holdings .
21 But the instructions were no more effective here than in the Ukraine , and , as we shall see , it was Georgia that came to sum up Lenin 's revulsion not only at the implementation of Party policy in the national field , but also at the general evolution of the Party .
22 Even so , I find the Christchurch trebles less robust here than in the choir 's previous Byrd discs , tending to remain within a limited dynamic range , even in the more laudatory Latin Motets .
23 ‘ I would rather be here than in Portugal . ’
24 The weight of the gun in his jacket pocket and the night air , thicker here than in the city centre , it was further from the ocean , you sometimes felt you could n't breathe until you found your way to the end of the land .
25 Now , although the idea that whenever we see that someone is in pain we make an inference from behaviour to feeling is about as mythical as the idea that at some time in the past we made a Social Contract , the ‘ argument from analogy ’ line of reasoning seems much less implausible here than in the ‘ Afternoon on the Sun ’ case .
26 ( And for those clever dicks asking why I 've given it a higher rating here than in the footy feature , it 's 'coz I did n't know it was on budget then .
27 Courageous behaviour and dogged endurance are more believable here than in many other types of adventure-story .
28 That very same choir features in this new release from Philips but , while it acquits itself considerably better here than in the other , it is not the fervent , stylish singing to set hearts on fire or in any other way deeply stir the emotions .
29 ( I think that Bread Not Stone is more hesitant here than In Memory of Her : she speaks of there being one vision , whereas in In Memory of Her she appears simply to suggest that in our suffering and our courage we are one with first-century women . )
30 Willa Muir saw him in America and observed , " Tom Eliot is much more human here than in England .
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