Example sentences of "here is [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the deliberate naïveté here is not in the least false , but has the limpid directness of some of the Chinese poems that Pound had marvellously transfigured in Cathay ( 1915 ) .
2 The bulk of sales of dailies and periodicals here is not at the news stands , but via annual subscriptions which normally have to be renewed by 1 October .
3 ‘ We have received categorical assurances that whatever has been reported about his earning money while he is here is not the case , ’ Ronnie Dawson , the home unions chairman and Irish RU president , said .
4 However , if you are charming and efficient you may actually get booked again by the venue : Similarly , all sorts of things often go wrong on stage , and the golden rule here is not to communicate mistakes to the audience .
5 The problem of course goes inescapably to a notion of the quality of experience ( though what we are calling the aesthetic here is not , or not only , a question of intensity ) .
6 The point here is not to exonerate the violent behaviour of certain Liverpool supporters but rather the reverse , i.e. to emphasize the potentially fatal risks which are being run each week in stadia where large and rowdy confrontations of young spectators take place .
7 ‘ I hope that what is happening here is not happening all over the country .
8 He stresses that ‘ our business here is not to know all things , but those which concern our conduct ’ .
9 In fact , however , our knowledge here is not so deficient as has been imagined .
10 So let us be serious : our purpose here is not to kid anybody , to try to convince you that things are any better than they seem .
11 Purity here is not a state of life , an innate condition , but a virtue — something that must be sought , found and won .
12 As Reagan put it early in 1985 , ‘ the struggle here is not right versus left ; it is right versus wrong . ’
13 The personal engagement encapsulated here is not , after all , wholly different from the introduction to that much more objective modern study , the justly acclaimed biography of Mary by Lady Antonia Fraser ; for Lady Antonia describes how ‘ being possessed since childhood by a passion for the subject of Mary Queen of Scots , I wished to test for myself the truth or falsehood of the many legends which surround her ’ .
14 The lion is a symbol of St Mark , but also of the Venetian empire , although whether either of these symbols is relevant here is not known with certainty .
15 * What is of importance here is not so much whether or not the label ‘ perceptual ’ is appropriate as whether this task is susceptible to the effects of pre-training in the same way as the motor tasks discussed earlier .
16 The interpretation put forward here is not fundamentally different from that offered by Jaynes when he suggested that a tendency to emit ( a fractional version of ) the response acquired in the first stage would serve as a mediating process in the second , and that the salience of the mediator would depend on the magnitude of the initial response of which it was a fraction .
17 Now , the issue here is not whether this was ‘ good ’ or ‘ bad ’ , the motive humanitarian or base , but that it had a tremendous impact upon the agriculture of the Third World at least in Latin America , South and South-east Asia .
18 What is striking here is not just the confidence of the assertion of quality , but the unquestioned awarding of the credit to Coward .
19 The picture of politics drawn here is not one that a literate Victorian would recognise .
20 And remember , the aim here is not to turn you into a super-mathematician but to accustom you to thinking somewhat differently to the way you were taught at school and thereby to make things easier for yourself .
21 For the sort of interaction that we are referring to here is not the planned smashing of things .
22 The rule here is not to repeat or change the remedy until the action of the previous dose has ceased .
23 The fictitious example being used here is not the easiest one to explain to an informant , but many much more difficult ones have been explained and interviews obtained .
24 The real point at issue here is not whether objectives should be used but how they are used .
25 However , my purpose here is not to cavil , nor to review the exhibition as a whole .
26 It should be clear that what is being suggested here is not the creation of new precincts as islands in the traffic-orientated city , or indeed the forcing of new pedestrian underpasses through the existing road net .
27 The weakness here is not that the assumptions are incorrect but that they are incomplete .
28 Something here is not quite as it should be , and it takes a while to work out exactly what it is …
29 Though people differ markedly , and to some extent systematically , in the relative importance they place on these various sources of satisfaction , our concern here is not with individual differences in sources of satisfaction but with the effect of new technology on the potential sources of satisfaction .
30 The demographic data we have provided are accurate enough , but no resemblance to any existing hotel or hotels in Knutsford is intended , and the competitive position described here is not the same as it is in reality .
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