Example sentences of "having [to-vb] all " in BNC.

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1 Yes , the frustrated mother ca n't be generous and so forth with her child , and on the whole I think the emphasis that people used to put on mothers staying at home was very misguided , because a mother who 's having to sacrifice all her outside interests for the sake of her child is just a frustrated mother , and it 's not good for the also the problem is that you then have fairly energetic women devoting all they have to children , then they over-invest in the child 's own achievements , so in fact you are putting a great psychological burden on the child because it has to grow up fulfilling expectations of an adult , which is not right for a child .
2 Our school was evacuated to Hadlow Down in Sussex , just about where the German bombers used to off-load their bombs to save themselves the trouble of having to go all the way to London .
3 I 'm just like my mum , when it comes down to it , That 's why I quite admired Auntie Muriel , in a guarded sort of way I 'd think , I really should try to be like her , she was so content , nothing ever fazed her , I did n't want to be a farmer , understand , but I did n't want to be like mum either , tied to a feckless man , trying to keep him and me , having to hustle all the time to stop from sinking I fancied myself on a corporate asteroid , settling down with someone who would cherish me and buy me everything I wanted Carmen and her crew had the same ideas , even if they acted like they were going to be bad girls for ever ,
4 My cataract operation has been moved forward a fortnight for the rather odd reason that the hospital is ‘ having to cancel all non-urgent operations in October ’ .
5 And women are as likely as not to be left to fend for themselves , living crowded into one room with all the children and having to work all night sewing or cleaning to make ends meet .
6 Gaston , however , disposed of the latest invaders and then commemorated his double success over the heathens by incorporating into his portal the figures of two Saracens in chains and oriental costume , to be seen still hunched submissively at the foot of the central pillar of the doorway as if having to bear all its weight .
7 Yes , I suppose so , having to come all this way out and there are not many clinics .
8 Erm , this was in fact something you know , coming from , I think the feminist movement and very much a a it was quite new for middle class women to go out and work , and you know they are now aghast that they 're you know , having to juggle all these things but these were traditions that had in fact , been handed down .
9 Yes I 'm sorry that I 'm having to scribe all this out but er the new documentation they 've changed the erm that 's a Monday sorry about this
10 They were typical of part of what it was like to be homeless — having nowhere to go ; having to avoid all representatives of authority ; feeling tired and generally run-down ; and needing to have my wits at their sharpest at a time when they had become critically undernourished .
11 The club is having to play all its fixtures away from home for the second successive season because a new roof is being built at a cost of £1.3million .
12 They would benefit from real exchange-rate stability within the European monetary area without having to surrender all discretion over monetary policy — which , even if desirable , would not be feasible .
13 It was a skipper from here called Sopite ( he has his street named after him in the old town ) , who made one of the great technological advances in whaling , when he found a way to render the blubber down on board the whaler instead of having to sail all the way back home with it .
14 He reckons he 's having to do all the work , write all the songs .
15 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
16 Having to do all the flying , Wood was supplied with black coffee and cigarettes to keep awake on these long boring stretches .
17 You know , it 's a lot of tedious having to do all three steps .
18 Fronting the programme is hard enough without having to do all the leg work as well .
19 Oh dear , I do feel sorry for you having to do all that
20 Because they always end up having to tidy all the knots tidy everything up and finish things off .
21 Sometimes she dreamed that she stood in the dock of some great court , accused of terrible crimes , at others that she was having to use all her skill to free Anthony of a capital charge and failing .
22 ‘ What a terrible time you must have had — having to fly all this way to the States , and then to see poor , darling Liz and Owen when they 're so terribly , terribly ill .
23 They 're all standing out Birmingham you see and they were alt having to alter all the platforms cos of the
24 They can then use them for withdrawals without worrying about having to take all their money at once .
25 Like Lotus 1-2-3 and SuperCalc , Quattro Pro 's printer support is very good — although having to tell all these programs individually that I had an HP LaserJet IIIsi made me realize how easy it is telling Windows just the once for all your applications .
26 I felt quite dirty having to tell all these intimate details to total strangers and most of all my mother , who I had to live with and would always know everything , as they are not the sort of things you discuss with your parents .
27 The practical difficulties of nursing a sick relative can be very great , but Pitkeathley agrees that it is often the emotional upset of having to bath a previously fastidious mother , or pretend your father has spilt his tea when the bed is wet , or simply having to make all the decisions for a once strong parent , which cases the most upset .
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