Example sentences of "water [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 I let the water out of the sink and dry my hands on this roller thing .
2 By killing two engineers working on a canal being dug to take water out of Punjab into the neighbouring state of Haryana , the terrorists have killed the project ; nobody dares dig any further .
3 He invented the Cornish engine , a beam engine of Brobdingnagian proportions used mainly for pumping water out of tin mines .
4 Fred shook the water out of his eyes .
5 Then he said , ‘ Sheet , ’ softly , and Trent , forced to watch from between the leaves , saw him shake the water out of his pistol .
6 Big drops hammered the side of his head and his face ached from being clenched to keep the water out of his eyes .
7 This engine was originally used for pumping water out of the mine workings at Griff Colliery , Nuneaton , from 1723 , and was later moved to other sites , ending up at Hawkesbury Junction on the Coventry Canal , where it remained in use until 19 13 .
8 The immediate application of this engine was in pumping water out of mine workings , which had often become so badly flooded that it was impossible for them to be worked , and pumps driven by waterwheels were unequal to the huge drainage problems .
9 Underwater , the turgor or pressure inside the cells , which is the difference between the osmotic potential bringing water into the cell and the water potential driving water out of the cell , is high .
10 Situations which involve deeper water out of doors need very careful supervision , but a small group of children with an adult could visit a bridge to watch boats move underneath as cars and buses go over the top .
11 She was in the middle of wringing the water out of a red rayon skirt she had been washing at the kitchen sink .
12 I was up in Oregon at the time and got back to find that the tremor had shoved the sewage pipes up a few inches and thrown the water out of the lavatories , a well-known portent of Satan 's arrival , if you believe the infernal guidebooks .
13 At West Bay a £25,000 flood protection scheme was launched to keep water out of 30 homes .
14 Depending on how the aircraft is flown , if the mixture is leaned right off , fuel burn will go down to about 80 gallons an hour , but at maximum take-off power the aircraft will burn almost 300 gallons an hour , which at one gallon ever 12 seconds is quicker than one can get water out of a household tap !
15 They sat at the great wooden table , drinking a little water out of earthenware bowls , chewing cactus .
16 In adverse conditions gaiters help to keep stones , mud and water out of your boots , and are particularly effective when walking through heather .
17 We put a hell of a lot of time and effort into feeding your crowd detail on the Provos on your side of the water , and trying to get your judges to extradite the bastards back here is harder than getting water out of rock . ’
18 Whether you can keep water out of the joints also depends on how well the old and new wood are held together : glue will only help to prevent shrinkage cracks if the new wood is well-fitting .
19 In 1698 an Englishman named Thomas Savery patented a device which used atmospheric and steam pressure to pump water out of mines .
20 This was the first commercially successful steam engine and was used for pumping water out of a mine .
21 These were mainly used for pumping water out of mines , thus enabling deeper seams to be exploited .
22 Water out of the rock : Sinai limestone is known to retain water ( see on Exodus 17:6 ) .
23 If the bag has developed no leaks , empty the water out of the aquarium into another container .
24 When the autumn gales blew you could see the smoke being sucked out through the wall like water out of a leaky bucket .
25 The land , particularly where it was peat-covered , sank as the water was removed and thus drainage involved lifting water out of the fields into high-level drains and rivers .
26 Although Newcomen had produced the first practical steam-engine in the early years of the eighteenth century , it was capable only of a simple back-and-forth or up-and-down motion and therefore disappeared under-ground to be used for pumping water out of mines .
27 She ran the water out of the basin and held her wrists under the cold tap until they were numb .
28 Each child could have a drink of water out of the shared cup , and could take a small piece of biscuit .
29 And they drank water out of tea-cups .
30 ‘ I must keep the water out of the boat , ’ I thought , ‘ but I can row a little in the smooth places . ’
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