Example sentences of "done with the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What have you done with the spanners ?
2 Every piece of carving on the Chindit , which stands about 3ft high , was done with the Woodcarver
3 Every piece of carving on the Chindit , which stands about 3ft high , was done with the Woodcarver
4 The problems arise through what I call ‘ rural conveyancing ’ because years ago such conveyancing was n't done with the necessary attention to detail . ’
5 This tension between the cerebral and the visceral was usefully explored in Kim Evans ' film for Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) about the connections between two professions where the work , though very different , is done with the hands .
6 Primarily , however , an empirically based study of public order policing is impossible to undertake in the midst of the province 's continuing violent conflict , and certainly could not be done with the degree of depth , empirical focus , familiarity , and , frankly , personal safety which an ethnographic study of routine policing allows .
7 So , as they had done with the relations of production , Marx and Engels tried to show that this state of affairs was not inevitable , but the product of a specific historical development .
8 Paul and Malcolm Bream first spent time exploring possible sources of voluntary funding , and then saw what might be done with the local authority , but have now turned back to their original search for their own place .
9 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
10 McLeish decided he was not going to get much more out of this and went on to check , gently , what Francis Morgan had done with the weekend .
11 Moreover , Macmillan managed to ensure that the Americans did not impose a dual key system as they had done with the RAF-manned Thors .
12 The police at Southampton had got in touch with Bath , asking what was to be done with the bike , as it had apparently been abandoned .
13 All must be done with the required ceremony .
14 Property speculators in particular are addressing themselves to the question of what is to be done with the vast stretches of land once occupied by watch towers , border guards , dogs and rabbits .
15 Shifting between the gears in these two lower ratios can only be done with the tractor at a standstill , so it does n't matter that they are unsynchronised .
16 If they had , what would they have done with the bird 's skull ?
17 But none of them noticed , they were hunched within themselves , absorbed , waiting to be done with the decisions and get home .
18 I would simply place a card with the initials and dates 1921–1939 alongside the material — as I 've done with the other exhibits And I 'd like to place it all between the Danziger and Eberhardt donations . ’
19 There is already a feeling in some people 's minds that in athletics , as in so many other aspects of life , what can be done with the human body will be done , and that we might as well let them get on with it .
20 DSM 's work has two purposes : to attempt to solve some of the practical difficulties associated with successful restoration , such as dampness and the type of pigments used in the paintings ; and to judge some the hypotheses put forward by art historians on their scientific merit ( this is being done with the plasterwork from St Servatius ) .
21 The tendency of our officials , who naturally wish their work to be done with the least possible friction , is all in favour of the railway method of carriage . ’
22 What Leapor would have done with the money can be surmised .
23 This was done with the collaboration of the Braun workshop , and V. V. Reiner who painted the sala terrena in the garden .
24 Two questions you will constantly be asked are : What can be done with the old wreck ? and What will it cost and wo n't it be a waste of taxpayers ' money ?
25 Though done with the intention of establishing a virile , distinctive presence , the effect is usually to reduce shopping centres to an unprecedented level of blandness and monotony .
26 This may be done with the best intentions and will help empty the overflowing kennels , but mistakes can cause new owners some shocks .
27 It is most frequently done with the middle finger .
28 Advanced work for the hemiplegic arm may also be done with the patient sitting down .
29 Most of the work done with the patient standing up aims to make his selective movements of better quality as preparation for making steps .
30 If these can be confirmed and if the tappings were done with the authority of a Home Office warrant , it suggests that the guidelines were being interpreted with a remarkable degree of latitude .
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