Example sentences of "done [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 She thought how rough they had been with each other , how savage almost , sometimes in an odd way wanting to be done so that they could begin all over again .
2 RIGHT Reconstructions of finds are often done so that they can be better understood , studied and recorded , and also so that they are more meaningful when put on display .
3 This is done so that the formulae will still be correct when you copy from F5 to every other cell that is going to be required .
4 A much higher average might well cancel out these small variations and should be done so that a more reliable measurement would be available immediately without waiting for later processing on a mainframe .
5 Will he ensure that everything possible is done so that Derbyshire can have its first opportunity to have a university , in contrast with Nottingham which will have two , Leicester which will have three , and Loughborough which will have one ?
6 like before the break when you want to have a permanent record of what you 'd done so that you ca n't turn round and say well I do n't remember them conversation
7 make sure it 's done so that you 're not prejudicing your industrial tribunal case by saying that you 'll accept the ex gratia payment but you also reserve the right to take legal advice about the termination of your employment .
8 But all this is done so that it wo n't shift , it wo n't move .
9 The committee , evidently nettled by this slur , informed Mr. R. G. Rose , the coroner for the North Bedfordshire district , that the council had , in fact , done all that they possibly could to get nurses but without success .
10 ‘ If you 've done all that during the day , leave it overnight , open it up the next morning and it should be cold .
11 They used to be sent to London and various places ; and when we 'd done all that we got four shillings a hundred for them .
12 After they had been photographed , after the scene of crime team had swarmed in and over them , after the police surgeon and then a pathologist had done all that had to be done in that room , the bodies still stayed where they were .
13 She made Terry try it on , take it off , changed something else , and finally , at gone midnight , she had done all that she could do , and only then did she allow Terry to look at herself in the mirror .
14 In this case the contract is avoided as soon as the original owner has done all that he reasonably can .
15 ( 1 ) Does the witness understand why you need their help and how their evidence will help your client obtain justice ? ( 2 ) Does the witness understand and accept that they may be required to give evidence in court and under oath ? ( 3 ) Have you done all that you can to ensure that the witness is put to as little trouble and expense as possible ?
16 ‘ I have done all that I reasonably could , consistent with economic realities and legal constraints , to increase the opportunities for British Coal . ’
17 If the Secretary of State regards protecting the British coal industry and , therefore , the nation from the fluctuation in world prices as rigging the market , will he explain why he has done exactly that by rigging the market for nuclear electricity in this country ?
18 Having done just that half way through this contest which was judged on time in the first round , she had an agonising wait to see whether anyone would catch her .
19 There was a widower , two doors away , whose garden had done just that : he never touched it , and grass grew feet thick all over it , and weeds flourished , and roses climbed the hedge , unpruned , and ramped across the soil .
20 Two of London 's most strapped have done just that : Brent has pushed rates up by 30% , Haringey by 56% and its council rents by even more .
21 As Alexander Irvine put it in 1694 : it is a Maxim in our Law , " That the King can do no Wrong " ; the Meaning whereof is not , that nothing can be done amiss that he does in point of Government , but whatever there is amiss to it , is not to be imputed to him , but to those by whose Advice and Ministry he acts ; and consequently , that not he , but they are punishable for them .
22 It is what I have done today that counts . ’
23 I 'll have these Freshers all the way down the side near that erm middle wall , thought to myself wonder what I could have done there that will look pretty
24 and then go back over stuff that you 've done earlier that you have n't been able to understand where you 've felt , Ooh I do n't know what 's going on here .
25 It was clear from the work done then that , even after a full year , major changes in unemployment , self-employment , and employment taken up and ended within the group , were still occurring at a high rate .
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