Example sentences of "though [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier Davies , 55 , claimed he was fired because executives feared evidence might be produced that he was an arms dealer even though no-one believed such a thing .
2 She was aware , though no-one spoke , that for much of the time Ernest and Charlotte were also awake .
3 Everything possible must be done , he wrote , and yet it must be as though nothing had been done .
4 [ PC. 2. ] got on the radio to ask for assistance even though nothing had happened .
5 It was not until 1960 that the gargantuan task of demolishing the attached asylum was undertaken and Forston Manor returned to its original self as though nothing had happened .
6 But the station felt safer than it used to , though nothing had changed except Dot herself .
7 ‘ He has agreed to act as though nothing had happened , ’ Mr Browning said .
8 ‘ I am not the only one to have seen Charlotte , ’ Emily went on as though nothing had happened .
9 Everyone else sits down and resumes work as though nothing had happened .
10 When we reached the door Mum called back , ‘ Good afternoon Captain ’ , as though nothing had happened .
11 Incredibly , Flashman then posed for pictures with his wife , smiling as though nothing had happened .
12 The eggs simply plopped out in front of the host bird , who carried on incubating any remaining eggs as though nothing had happened .
13 After its financial disaster in 1720 the South Sea Company had pulled itself together and had tried to trade with South America as though nothing had happened .
14 Several years ago , my tropical fish tank suffered the dreaded overnight powercut , and while all the other fish perished , the angelfish was still swimming around , somewhat lethargically , as though nothing had happened .
15 I had thought — even though nothing had been said , and of course he has his moods when he is difficult and cruel … ’
16 She apologized for skulking out of the way so shamelessly , she thanked me for saving the life of their beloved dog who was now prancing around with the children as though nothing had happened , and she finished with the regret that she had n't even asked me my name .
17 Cobalt got up from his chair as though nothing had happened to put him off his stroke .
18 Her mother was talking to the director as though nothing had happened .
19 His gaze returned to her face , as though nothing had happened .
20 Undeterred , Betty rushed out la-la-ing the tune and the girls carried on as though nothing had happened until they were reconnected and finished the performance beautifully in true MEDAU spirit .
21 I thought about it calmly , still standing there as though nothing had passed through my mind but the continual computation guiding the kite , and I thought it seemed reasonable .
22 Though nothing had altered , somehow the fall had shattered the ice that had temporarily walled her up .
23 Though nothing came of this it is of interest because it anticipates the ‘ Cold War ’ methods by which Persia sought to infiltrate Greece in the second half of the century .
24 Even in Berlin the French legation was not raised to an embassy until 1862 ; and in the aftermath of the defeat of 1870 – 71 it was seriously proposed to save money by appointing only ministers and no ambassadors at all in future , though nothing came of this .
25 Of the bronze statuary , most beautiful was the 5½ inch high Hellenistic figure of a nude youth ( around late second or early first century BC ) , which sold to the European trade for $170,000 ( est. $40–60,000 ) , though nothing excited the crowd quite so much as the Roman porphyry .
26 After Paul left , the party broke up quickly , as though everyone felt that the business of the day had now been concluded .
27 Though everyone seemed to despise Nigel , Charles had n't met anyone whose feeling seemed strong enough to amount to hatred .
28 Everywhere there was evidence of abandoned normality as though everyone had put down what they had been doing , and then simply vanished ; half finished cups of coffee , dishevelled beds , games of scrabble and cards laid out , play suspended .
29 It was as though everyone had dashed off on a far bigger , far better story than they had covered in their lives .
30 Little wonder , as things turned out , that in adult life poor ‘ W. C. T. ’ , as his cousin William Jowett Titford called him , found it very difficult to convince bureaucrats that he was really called ‘ William ’ , though everyone knew him as ‘ Charles ’ , like his father .
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