Example sentences of "taken as the " in BNC.

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1 If the percentage increase in eps is taken as the key measure , companies which begin with very low earnings have an unfair advantage .
2 The figure of 165,000 could be taken as the basis for further negotiation , because no one could tell how regular recruiting would go .
3 The cases of the thief and the squatter have been taken as the clearest instances of possession acquired without any right whatever .
4 The General Strike is often taken as the symbol of the industrial relations of these years — and is seen as an event which brought to an end the militant trade unionism of almost two decades .
5 The General Strike is often taken as the symbol for the industrial relations of these years — and is seen as an event which brought to an end the militant trade unionism of almost two decades .
6 The idea of ‘ flooded classrooms ’ might be taken as the product of bureaucratic desperation .
7 The area of a building is normally taken as the area enclosed by the internal faces of the external walls ( 11 sq ft equals 1 sq metre . )
8 But these pronouncements should not be taken as the fount of all wisdom .
9 A period of a week will usually suffice for this purpose after which a stock-take is conducted and the level taken as the opening stock .
10 Otherwise 100 litres is taken as the base for the highest consumption process and for the others doses are expressed proportional to the highest level .
11 Two contrasting parts of the country — south-west Hertfordshire and Middlesborough — yielded proof that if IQ was very reasonably taken as the key criterion , then there was no ‘ problem ’ associated with the access of bright working-class boys to grammar schools .
12 With the plans from the deeds , measure the four boundaries and check the precise alignment of fences and hedges ( the centre of a hedge is usually taken as the boundary position , but not always ) .
13 The shortest exposure time at which the subject succeeds better than 97.5 per cent is taken as the inspection time , with short inspection times being indicative of high intelligence .
14 Thus it was , that at some momentous point in the immensity of time there came into being three initial units which can be taken as the true beginning of the story of earthly life .
15 Many of the rules laid down by this syndicat in 1904 were later taken as the basic framework around which the AOC regulations for Champagne were formulated in 1927 .
16 Even if it had , the selfhood would be in the replicas of the gene scattered over different bodies ; that the gene , analogous though it is to species rather than to individual , has to be taken as the unit , is precisely because it is more useful for explanation to speak of the selfish gene than of the altruistic replica .
17 Rather than creative individuals being taken as the starting-point , the individuals targeted initially were people who had been diagnosed as having had a mental illness , either a severe ( manic-depressive ) form of affective disorder or the milder , but aetiologically related , mood swings of ‘ cyclothymia ’ .
18 Because of those changes , I do not in fact any longer agree with Jenkins and Kramarae that white middle-class speakers are taken as the norm in sociolinguistics .
19 The need in the case of the Oedipus myth to resolve the contradiction between two pieces of knowledge that are in conflict can be comfortably taken as the signified that lies behind the significations that make up the various versions of the myth .
20 Just as it was possible to try the major war criminals after 1945 on the basis of generally accepted principles ( to which the Hague and Geneva codes contributed ) , so the 1977 Protocols must be taken as the clearest formulation of the laws presently applicable to armed conflict , including the use of nuclear weapons .
21 Otherwise , the vector scores of the words in the neighbourhood of the result are calculated and the word with the closest score is taken as the answer .
22 The first item in the list is taken as the root of the tree , so if it is built from an alphabetically ordered word list , a degenerate tree will result , where all the left pointers will be null ( Knuth , 1973 , p426 ; Claybrook , 1983 , p95 ) .
23 It is , however , the financial losses of retirement from the labour force that seem usually to be taken as the key to the involuntary shift from independence to dependency in old age .
24 Point Five has been taken as the benchmark ice gully climb , and would be graded V , 5 under the new system .
25 The movies had created a false world and what was taken as the ultimate proof of that was the way in which they had failed to deal directly with real Americans and their dilemmas .
26 In classrooms where such a pattern exists personal pace and achievement can be taken as the yardstick against which learning is measured .
27 The height of the first peak in the autocorrelation function was taken as the autocorrelation score for that histogram .
28 The total carbon content has , therefore , been taken as the carbon content and quoted as a percentage weight .
29 Outcomes for the children and young people were analysed according to the legal route which was taken as the basis for the child 's admission into care .
30 If £5 be taken as the minimum above which there can be no question as to their status , it is noteworthy that half the Babergh men in this category worked in the skilled finishing trades .
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