Example sentences of "area [Wh det] had " in BNC.

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1 The urban working class in an occupational area which had traditionally been dominated by Protestants , the petite bourgeoisie , and evangelical Protestants ; these are the constituencies from which UPA drew support .
2 She hurried across the course and pushed through a knot of ghoulish spectators who were standing gloomily by the area which had been cordoned off .
3 Above the rambling parkland belonging to Randall Lodge was an area which had once been a rigidly formal garden , but was now only just kept in check by two elderly men .
4 To the administrators concerned with the welfare of the Masai , however , it seemed that they had a very good case for keeping the enormous area which had been assigned to them .
5 Visibility was very poor and having been warned that barrage balloons were hoisted over the Liverpool area which had very recently suffered heavily in bombing raids , we went well out to sea before turning in to Speke , only to get entangled in a coastal convoy flying balloons .
6 His opportunity to counter the French threat came in the Low Countries , an area which had witnessed English intervention against France almost half a century earlier .
7 The gap between them , that area which had been mined and covered by machine-guns from the watch-towers , was about forty metres wide .
8 The Gorengs made their home in the former diplomatic quarter , the area which had , to the glee of the Chinese in the Toku-ru warehouse , been accidentally shelled by the malai navy on invasion day .
9 Four city regions were chosen for detailed study : Clydeside was selected as an example of an area which had suffered persistent economic decline and social malaise , the West Midlands as an area of ‘ faltering growth ’ , the Bristol region as an example of relatively successful adaptation , and London where the two contrasting areas of the inner south-east and the outer south-west were selected .
10 He later retracted the comments and explained that they were made after visiting an area which had suffered lightly from the storm and that he was unaware of the true extent of the devastation .
11 On May 12 , members of the Parachute Regiment were alleged to have assaulted staff and customers in several public houses in the predominantly nationalist town , apparently in revenge for an earlier IRA bomb in the area which had injured a colleague .
12 Explaining this popularity is not difficult : Edmund was himself killed by the Danes , and it was perhaps only natural that veneration for him should grow in the area which had formed his kingdom , and seen a great deal of the renewed conflict between Danes and English .
13 The area of Gallia Ulterior conceded to the Alans may well have been that area which had supported Tibatto , and the grant may well have been a means of punishing the rebels and keeping them under surveillance , as well as being a reward for the followers of Goar .
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