Example sentences of "state for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Soeriaatmadja 's boss , the Minister of State for Development and Environment , Emil Salim , wanted advice from Child and Douglas-Hamilton on how to save a village from marauding elephants .
2 **Eric Derijcke ( SP ) Secretary of State for Development Co-operation attached to Claes
3 R v Secretary of State for Home Department , Ex parte Kuku ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls and Staughton LJJ ) ; 28 Sept 1989 It is highly desirable that foreign nationals to whom r 10 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 169 applies should not only by warned by the Home Office of the necessity under s 3(4) of the Immigration Act 1971 of obtaining a visa if seeking re-entry to the UK after a short visit abroad , but that that warning should take the form of a document attached to the foreign national 's passport , so there is no question of any misapprehension .
4 ( b ) By applying natural justice in situations where there was " a right , an interest , a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing " Per Denning M.R. in Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs ( C.A. , 1969 ) .
5 It was , however , Lord Denning M.R. himself in Schmit v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs , who stated that while natural justice could apply to an administrative act , it would depend upon whether the individual had some right , interest , or legitimate expectation such that it would not be fair to deprive him of it , without a hearing .
6 In Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs the plaintiffs were Scientology students who had been given a limited leave to enter the country .
7 Subodh Kant Sahay , Minister of State for Home Affairs , in a statement on Jan. 2 to the Indian parliament announced that 890 people had been killed and nearly 4,000 injured in 15 weeks of Hindu-Moslem riots triggered by Hindu agitation around the disputed sacred site where a mosque currently stood in Ayodhya , Uttar Pradesh .
8 According to Minister of State for Home Affairs , M. M. Jacob , " all steps " were being taken to ensure their capture and extradition from Sri Lanka .
9 Now the point about this measure is how will the Secretary of State for home affairs , respond to this proposal because this is a re-run , this ten minute ruled bill , of the bill that I introduced last year under the private members bill procedure in which the er junior minister that is currently at the despatch box , said that he accepted the principals of seeking to achieve full registration but felt that the measure itself was premature , premature in that the Home Office were investigating er numbers and matters concerned with the electoral registration and electoral provision , arising from experience at the last general election but I think it was beginning to be accepted that the poll tax had had a serious impact upon the electoral register although there were many other er elements that provided great difficulty .
10 I agree that most of us need work — but I would point out that it is partly because when you 're unemployed and dependent on the state for support , you do n't have enough money to use your leisure time in the way you might want to .
11 Michael Heseltine , the former Secretary of State for Defence , is the voters ' favourite to succeed Mrs Thatcher , according to an opinion poll published in The Daily Telegraph today .
12 The Secretary of State for Defence roused his audience with a fierce attack on Labour over its Brighton conference decisions on defence and the appearance at a fringe meeting there of Gerry Adams , the Sinn Fein leader .
13 Are we to assume that he is to be honoured for his illustrious career as US Secretary of State for Defence ?
14 In devising policies to ensure national security with minimal loss of independence in the post-imperial era , successive Secretaries of State for Defence and their principal military advisers , the Chiefs of Staff , have had to grapple with three dominant factors : a growing Soviet military threat ; a decline in Britain 's ability to create wealth until the very recent Thatcher revolution ; and an accelerating rate of technological change .
15 After appointing Thorneycroft as Secretary of State for Defence in July 1962 , Macmillan decided that the time was ripe to take a further step in the gradual process of integrating the management of the Services .
16 In their places came a unified Ministry under the Secretary of State for Defence , who was given two Ministers of State with functional responsibilities to assist him .
17 Harold Watkinson had not survived as Secretary of State for Defence long enough to see his counter-reformation completed , but he did have the satisfaction of knowing that , had it not been for his efforts to swing the pendulum of British Defence policy back into the centre of the spectrum of war , Britain 's disengagement from empire would not have been so successful .
18 Under Labour , the best example is Denis Healey who was Secretary of State for Defence from 1964 to 1970 and then Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974 to 1979 .
19 SENIOR officers in the Scottish regiments are delighted with the news that one of the most urbane Scotsmen in the House of Commons , Malcolm Rifkind , has been appointed Secretary of State for Defence .
20 Mr Jonathan Aitken , MP for Thanet South and a leading Euro-sceptic , becomes a Minister of State for Defence .
21 For example , it was quite a story in December 1985 when Mrs Thatcher briefly appeared to have allowed Michael Heseltine , Secretary of State for Defence , to campaign publicly against the Cabinet 's position that the Westland helicopter company could do a deal with the American firm Sikorsky if its shareholders so wished .
22 Sir Geoffrey was referring to the decision to ban trade unions at GCHQ , a decision taken by a small group of ministers ( himself , the Prime Minister , Lord Whitelaw , Mr Heseltine , then Secretary of State for Defence , with a bit of advice on likely union reactions from Tom King , then Secretary of State for Employment ) .
23 One reason why she brought Michael Heseltine in as Secretary of State for Defence is said to be his ability as a public-relations man .
24 Last July , a month after the Argentinian surrender at Port Stanley , Geoffrey Pattie , Under Secretary of State for Defence , issued the MoD 's first report on the war : Falkland Island Operations — Interim Commentary on Equipment Matters .
25 Even now Michael Heseltine , Britain 's Secretary of State for Defence , is at pains to point out that the installation of cruise need not go ahead ( see p 885 ) .
26 Jonathan Aitken has been taken off the back benches and made minister of state for defence , in the hope that he can continue to rally the Euro-sceptics as he did over Maastricht .
27 On Tuesday , 5th February , Duffy 's question came up and was answered by Ian Gilmore , secretary of state for Defence .
28 motor vehicles owned by the Secretary of State for Defence and used for the purposes of the disposal of bombs or explosives
29 motor vehicles owned by the Secretary of State for Defence and used by the Royal Air Force Mountain Rescue Service for the purposes of rescue operations in connection with crashed aircraft or any other emergencies ; and
30 NOTHING really corking there , in a snippet from the forthcoming diaries of Alan Clark , a former minister of state for defence procurement , as he describes the intrigue surrounding the fall of Thatcher .
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