Example sentences of "long [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 But they hope it wo n't take too long or they 'll be rocking around the grandfather clock .
2 too long so they 're too crisp .
3 Some ornamental crab apples flower for so long that they will pollinate your fruiting apples whatever their flowering season .
4 No harm in that : pedestrian documentation is what there is a call for — Pound himself , and his admirers emulating him , have been so sprightly for so long that they have persuaded people they , and he , can not be in earnest .
5 Well , they have been afraid of the Russians for so long that they have learned to live with it .
6 These heavily tattooed men , now unemployed civilians , were so drunk for so long that they could barely talk or even sit up .
7 Both the interrogators had been doing their job for so long that they no longer thought much about what they were saying .
8 The Tories have been in power so long that they have forgotten how to listen , while Labour is still fragmented and inadequate .
9 In the years which followed , some of his ships ( which belonged to the king personally ) were sold to repay his debts ; others were left so long that they eventually rotted .
10 D H S S , because very often , they either ca n't get telephone boxes working , or they 're hanging on so long that they do n't have enough money
11 Dr. Howarth ; a tall fair man , almost as tall as Dalgliesh himself , with widely spaced eyes of a remarkably deep blue and the lashes so long that they might have looked effeminate on any face less arrogantly male .
12 The banks and cuttings have been left ‘ wild ’ for so long that they are rich in plant life with tremendous variation which is reflected in the 60 different bird species that may be seen along the line .
13 I do n't know how long that they were supposed to last for .
14 say that women have been discriminated against for so long that they just have n't had the opportunities to rise up through the ranks , and if they are ever going to achieve the kind of representation that they ought to achieve just by the sheer numbers that the represent in the population , apart from the quality , and there are a lot of people who would say that women are probably rather superior erm to a lot of men at an equal level
15 The cellulose chains which are laid down in the cell-wall are long and they have their length more or less parallel to the length of the cell or fibre , that is to say in the direction of the applied stress .
16 They are extremely strange looking fish that are about 8″ long with a long beak like protrusion of about 4″ long and they are black in colour .
17 They were huge animals , with tusks about sixty centimetres long and they seemed as curious about us as we were excited to see them .
18 And knitting needles that to my little fingers were like rolling pins you know and they were long and they got under my arms and I always used to have a tummy ache on knitting day cos I did n't want to go to school .
19 They did n't stay long and they were very polite .
20 er they also brought out some a good range of lighting fittings er , which you still see about again used well I , I remember putting one , you saying about putting lights at different levels , erm a staircase which was in a new house which was architect design and built and erm , the staircase was er more or less centrally in the house rather than be stuck against one wall and so it had a well and down the centre of the well we strung one of these lights with er five different glasses suspended on black flex five black flexes and erm these were shades made of heavy glass er the glass was n't painted it was coloured all the way through , er and erm they were called er Chelsea , Chelsea glasswork and erm these each had a lamp inside them well er about three inch diameter cylinders actually about eight inches long and they were hung at different heights er so that the lip behind the staircase and also of course there 's a staircase being where it was , it was in the centre of er , a , quite a large hallway for modern stand for modern standards and erm it of course was a feature of the hall as well .
21 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
22 I think a lot of the thoughts of Donald Steel have commonsense logic , and I have been much impressed by the work of Bob Cupp , the designer of East Sussex National and whose new courses , Settindown Creek and Reynolds Plantation , I was able to play during my trip to the U.S. These courses can be long but they are of generous width and , from forward tees , are playable for players of all standards .
23 You may omit from this count words that begin with a capital letter , words that are long because they are hyphenated and verbs whose third syllable is " -ed " or " -es . "
24 A junior Defence Minister attempted to explain that a bomb might easily be planted in a barracks : ‘ Anyone could walk in as long as they were carrying a package which did not look suspicious . ’
25 It implies , of course , that as long as they have the right kind of causal relations , other machines , apart from brains , can possess mentality ; and it also implies that the study of artificial intelligence and computational modelling is the royal road to understanding mentality .
26 Applications will be accepted as long as they are made by 1st October 1991 but your council can chose to set a later date .
27 Unlike wood dyes , varnish stains can be applied to previously coated surfaces , as long as they are clean and free from wax or grease .
28 ‘ Dogs are welcome in here as long as they do n't wee on the carpet , ’ she said .
29 One assistant said : ‘ Dogs are fine , as long as they do n't disgrace themselves ’ .
30 Manageress Jaci Henderson said : ‘ We have no problems as long as they are n't running around , through clothes , making a mess , etc .
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