Example sentences of "seen as the " in BNC.

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1 Here , he surrounds the politics of his imaginary country with darkness , distinguishes between its politics and what might be seen as the antics of bystanders , and concentrates on these bystanders .
2 Increasingly it is seen as the only option left in the face of the continuing Anglo-Irish agreement .
3 ‘ The software package selected for implementation should be seen as the vehicle for a solution rather than the solution itself .
4 His genesis was part of a much longer creative process and must be seen as the culmination of eleven centuries of English literary history .
5 Refuse collection was seen as the best service , pleasing 85% .
6 While other ways of making money become more respectable and sometimes laudable , developers are still seen as the spiritual heirs of Victorian millowners and slum landlords , people who , even as they tear the hearts out of cities , simultaneously give then a fatal sclerosis .
7 As a close friend of the ANC president , Oliver Tambo — with Mr Mandela the three were seen as the organisation 's ruling ‘ troika ’ — he is certain to become a leading force in South African politics .
8 He said the Thatcher years would be seen as the time ‘ in which existing pensioners missed out on the prosperity afforded to the great majority in this country .
9 The Government 's insistence that the Channel tunnel rail link be privately-financed is being seen as the first stage in a longer term plan to privatise the entire British Rail network .
10 ELECTRONIC tagging of remand prisoners , seen as the first stage towards plans to introduce community-based punishments , was attacked by probation officers yesterday .
11 While Hamnett may be seen as the campaigning Bob Geldof of fashion , in design terms she is more the Tony Blackburn , making a living , like him , out of replaying Golden Oldies .
12 While profit used to be viewed as a sufficient objective in itself , creating benefits for stakeholders is seen as the ultimate objective .
13 Sweeney Agonistes takes its audience back not simply to what was seen as the childhood , even babyhood of ritual and civilization , but further down the evolutionary ladder to the most primitive level of that ‘ amorphous protoplasm ’ which makes up the human egg .
14 Clearly these ideas relate to Eliot 's plays and to ‘ Burnt Norton ’ where dangers of being ‘ Distracted from distraction by distraction ’ seem connected with the spectre of a metropolis seen as the antithesis of religious values .
15 While under capitalism the owning and accumulating of property is seen as the aim of life , in tribal conditions property is simple seen as a necessary pre-condition of life and social relations .
16 For Engels its significance lies in the fact that it was seen as the basis of what was to be the most dramatic change in the history of mankind .
17 • VAG UK managing director Richard Ide predicted that this month will be seen as the point where car sales in Britain turned and began to pick up .
18 When one considers the symptoms ( going to sleep and waking up very early ) , the treatment ( advancing the patient 's life-style by 3 hour per ‘ day ’ until it is correctly timed ) , or the possible causes ( a clock that runs faster than average ) , it is seen as the opposite of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome .
19 Inhibition has been seen as the insoluble problem of British movies : it could be represented as the source of their great potential .
20 Pearson is seen as the first British director to be sacrificed on the altar of his art .
21 The revolt of the Bonn government against this antique thinking can be seen as the starting point for the great burst of German national assertion which culminated yesterday in the streets of Berlin .
22 ‘ Industry should n't be seen as the problem but as a major part of the solution to environmental improvement , ’ he said .
23 The US has been trying for a decade to clinch the deal , not least because it would give its nuclear forces control of what is seen as the strategically vital Pacific zone and a new set of options if its Philippine naval and air bases are threatened .
24 Free elections , which could result in the Communist Party being reduced to playing a junior role , are seen as the only realistic way forward to end East Germany 's political and economic crisis .
25 Yediot Ahronot ran a piece by the novelist David Grossman , author of the acclaimed Yellow Wind , widely seen as the finest single literary work about the occupation when it was published in 1987 .
26 Tomorrow 's meeting is seen as the last opportunity to decide on the bill which would allow redevelopment to commence in 1991 .
27 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
28 As the Fleet Street editors themselves recognised a couple of weeks ago , many British papers have forfeited the strength on which their freedom depends : they are not seen as the defenders of freedom by their own readers .
29 There is another way in which Eastern Europe can be seen as the prototype of things to come — the flow of refugees from East Germany and the German minorities in other countries to their rich brother .
30 The Middle East was seen as the sea and , later , the air crossroads of the Eastern Hemisphere ; as the land bridge between Europe , Asia and Africa ; and as the main source of sterling oil upon which Britain and Western Europe were becoming increasingly dependent .
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