Example sentences of "money would [be] " in BNC.

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1 The officer with the harsh voice was advising him that the money would be ‘ charged to the Lord Advocate 's account ’ if he himself could not ‘ procure the funds ’ .
2 Initial government money would be needed to get the scheme off the ground .
3 Mr Young said that now the trust had its core holdings , the second tranche of money would be invested more slowly with some held back for new opportunities .
4 At the end of the First World War it was confidently and almost universally assumed that after a short time money would be back to its pre-war value and market prices ( including market rents ) to their pre-war levels .
5 How much money would be available to them when the probate of the estate had been completed ?
6 There will be considerable pressure on Mr Parkinson to ensure that safety is not compromised by lack of funds , and he has promised that money would be no obstacle to improving safety .
7 A bid would be subject to the family raising the £20million needed to finance the purchase of the shares it does not already own , but Mr Roger De Haan , who is leading the bid approach , said discussions were already under way with a bank and he was confident the money would be available .
8 The money would be provided by government .
9 Two days ago the organisers of the NM English Open , to be played from August 16-19 at The Belfry , announced that their prize money would be increased from £250,000 to £400,000 .
10 This is right : without reforms , Brady money would be wasted money .
11 Eventually , in June 1984 , Seawright went too far when , during a meeting of the Belfast Education and Library Board , he suggested in regard to Catholic schools that ‘ taxpayers ’ money would be better spent on an incinerator and burning the lot of them .
12 She did not mention that no more money would be sent — let Ellen discover that when the monthly money orders did not arrive in the punctual way they always had done .
13 Mr David Mellor , Treasury Chief Secretary , claimed that if Labour went ahead with the tax increases proposed by Mr John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , money would be taken out of the economy just when extra spending was needed to boost demand .
14 Notoriously , he hoped that the bulk of his money would be spent on alphabet reform .
15 One story is told of drovers who , at the end of a long drive , having sold their cattle , would go to the beerkeller to celebrate , but before they did , they would tie the money from the sale around the dog 's neck , secure in the knowledge that no matter how drunk they became , their money would be safe until the morning !
16 Others had not yet paid and the chairman stressed that the longer the delay , the more money would be needed .
17 Two days after the unbanning of the ANC in February 1990 , the minister in charge of black education , Stoffel van der Merwe , announced that more money would be made available to the black education system .
18 In 1916 , H. A. L. Fisher , the Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield University , was appointed President of the Board of Education , with the promise that ‘ money would be found for ambitious educational measures ’ .
19 If he did , and the news reached the States , the money would be cut off immediately .
20 On the following Monday she was to report to Mr F. Sear in the Tool-Hardening Shed ; the money would be £4–18 shillings and 6 pence per week before overtime .
21 From the above Bukharin deduced that the monetary system would collapse , money would be devalued and ‘ the distribution of paper money is divorced from the distribution of products . ’
22 Anyway , the clergyman who came to look after those who were C of E got to know about Grandma 's skill as a sewer and also knew that a little bit of extra money would be welcome in her household .
23 Henry had decided on the black-and-white minstrel look — rather apt , he thought , since most of the money would be going to Africa .
24 In the event , few attempts at car restraint were made because it was assumed that the money would be found for reconstruction , but in the crisis-ridden post-1960s British economy , available funds never approached the levels needed for a widespread application of environmental area principles .
25 But the money would be useful . ’
26 The electric side of the equation suggests that performance or recording is a prime consideration , because otherwise a straightforward acoustic for the same money would be an obvious better buy .
27 Her father 's will also made provision for the destination of this life interest should she fail to make any such appointment : the money would be payable to a number of her distant relatives .
28 If the person was found guilty their money would be returned but , if not , the police would keep it . ’
29 ‘ He asked about Bull and he wanted to know what figure we wanted and the way the money would be paid .
30 Non-members could buy tickets on the door and the ticket money would be used to offset the cost of future concerts .
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