Example sentences of "men [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But despite their heroic culture , with its dreams , visions and utopian ideals , such men became what they feared the most : the proletariat ; a dissociated aggregate of society ; men and women converted from citizens to mass consumers .
2 Yet the sensitivities of both for the sufferings of men , women , and children drawn unwillingly into the war reflect something of the way in which thinking men asked themselves whether war was , in fact , not so much a way to peace as the prolongation of bitter conflict .
3 When my father arrived in Abyssinia in mid-December 1909 to take up his post as British Minister in charge of the Legation , the Emperor Menelik , the greatest ruler the country had known for centuries , was reported to be still alive ; but no one knew for certain , and all men asked what would happen when he died .
4 The men asked my permission to open a case of tea and a case of tins of sausages from the stores brought by the two planes .
5 She did set out , only the wickedness of men frustrated her journey .
6 Clinging to Mayne 's jeep the men made their way safely back to camp .
7 When the house was ready , the men made their first journey south .
8 The two men made their way silently along the roof , until they were seated on either side of the skylight looking down into the deserted corridor below .
9 The day was almost over before the young men made their move .
10 The men made their escape in Munn 's car , which he had reported stolen earlier that day , but witnesses contacted police with the registration number .
11 With a considerable effort the men got him on to the stretcher , and Redpath noticed that his trouser pockets seemed to be bulging rather curiously .
12 Articulate , easy to be with ; filled with ideas and knowledge ; nor could anyone say that they were a bad-looking lot , the young men got their sun-burn , the girls were pretty and well-turned out .
13 In the Brandeston forge the smith kept a four and a half gallon barrel of beer under the bench , and the men got their allowances of First Nail from this .
14 Up to 15 per cent of women and 10 per cent of men avoided it altogether .
15 It would be impossible to live with a woman like Gwen and not know that other men envied you , would like to fish in your pond .
16 While I thought these and other similar thoughts , two men passed me .
17 At the end of the day , Tess was waiting for Angel to bring the horse and carriage , when two men passed her in the street .
18 Men passed us , dark , bearded , stern , armed with sticks , walking swiftly in single file .
19 A massive collection was made in local towns , and two crosses were erected close to where the men met their tragic ends .
20 It seemed that the men pooled their money to help survive .
21 My own port of Felixstowe was an example of this , and several attempts at illegal entry by Asians were intercepted , some by routine searches , others by use of dogs , and in one case by accident when emergency toilet arrangements by the concealed men revealed their presence in no uncertain manner !
22 As William slid the bolts the doors suddenly swung violently outwards , throwing him off balance , and before he could recover two heavily built men pinned him against the office wall .
23 If the President could not afford to defy McCarthy , it was not surprising that Washington career men toed his line .
24 so loyal was he that he rejected his cousins , the UNICORNS , when Alexander 's men attacked them for their horns .
25 He said the two men attacked him with a tyre lever , hammer and a craft knife .
26 A pensioner 's training in the SAS saved him from serious injury when two men attacked him with a knife .
27 Two men attacked him and forced him from the bike .
28 Conservatives disliked the Argentine government for being aggressive foreigners ; Labour men attacked it as ‘ a tin-pot fascist junta ’ .
29 ‘ Maybe you 're pure and white as the driven snow , but you have to face the fact that there must be some reason why those men waylaid you .
30 Two of the men flung themselves down on a bench , scabbards clattering , while the third strode forward , kicking Isabel 's abandoned bucket out of his path .
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