Example sentences of "men [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 What did the men think of the W I when it first started meeting .
2 They started drinking before the parson ever arrived and , when he did , fell upon the beer kegs that came on the same cart as though they were men dying of thirst .
3 The European Community agreed yesterday to support UN Security Council resolutions on sanctions and calling on Libya to hand over two men suspected of the Lockerbie bombing .
4 COMMERCIAL air links with Libya are to be severed today as United Nations sanctions against Col Gaddafi 's refusal to hand over two men suspected of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing come into force .
5 The resolution demands that Libya should hand over two men suspected of planting a bomb which blew up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in December 1988 with the loss of 270 lives .
6 The man who served in the Irish Army is one of a number of men suspected of involvement in the deaths of four members of the security forces murdered in single shot attacks since last August .
7 On the same day the B & I ferry Norrona caught fire en route from Pembroke in Wales to Rosslare in Ireland ; two men suspected of arson were detained and later released on bail .
8 On Nov. 27 a warning had been issued to the government by France , the United Kingdom and the USA , to hand over two men suspected of blowing up a Pan Am airliner over Lockerbie , Scotland , in December 1988 , and to co-operate in bringing to trial suspects in the bombing of a French UTA airliner over Niger in September 1989 [ see p. 39215 ] .
9 Four men suspected of IRA terrorism have been shot dead in an SAS ambush in Ulster .
10 The UN Security Council imposed an air and arms embargo on Libya last year in an effort to force the surrender of two men suspected of blowing up the American airliner over Lockerbie in 1988 .
11 Lothian and Borders police have issued descriptions of the two men suspected of assaulting Mr Norrie .
12 Legends of these terrible sea routes reached the Old World and caused men to talk of the Elf-realm with dread .
13 Long Latin words are full of syllables which resemble ‘ bum ’ and ‘ tit ’ and ‘ poo ’ much more , and an idly dreaming miniaturist may have had a thought process set off by half-reading the Latin : if in lege domini ( Psalm 1:2 ) really suggested the funny men made of legs on the opening pages of the Bardolf-Vaux and Ormesby Psalters , then this tells us that the artists , like Professor Camille , spoke English .
14 In the past decade , throughout the Thatcher years , millions of men came of age .
15 But we must go further and when men speak of dark skies , we must think of our own bright interior skies .
16 Henry of Huntingdon had in his youth heard very old men speak of the slaughter of Danes in England during the massacre of St Brice 's Day in 1002 , but neither he , nor his contemporaries Florence and William of Malmesbury , relied solely on such evidence .
17 Moreover , said Clive , twice a week was less often than was normal and other men boasted of far more frequency in sex with their wives .
18 On 16 June he captured Châteauroux and this time it fell into his lap so easily that men talked of treason .
19 Rejecting the UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Libya unless it hands over two men accused of carrying out the 1989 Lockerbie airliner bombing , Gaddafi said he would never surrender to demands by the United States and Britain .
20 Last week American/British manipulation of the UN Security Council produced yet another ‘ high noon ’ deadline by which Libya must surrender two men accused of the Lockerbie bombing , or face sanctions and worse .
21 The Cubans have thrown the US off balance by , in the wake of the Libya-Lockerbie crisis , demanding extradition to Cuba of two men accused of blowing up a Cuban airliner over Barbados in 1976 .
22 TWO young men accused of leaving twin teenage sisters to die in a blazing barn walked free from court yesterday .
23 In the Hussainara case , it was revealed that a number of destitute women had been held in prison for several years awaiting the trials of men accused of raping them .
24 Here the focus often , but not always , turns to the woman , since it is by attempting to discredit her that the majority of men accused of sex crimes try to save themselves .
25 Men accused of violent attacks
26 On Feb. 18 after what he described as a " routine investigative hearing " a Libyan judge rejected extradition of the two men accused of the Lockerbie bombing .
27 In 1968 arrests of suspected opponents of the regime were commonplace ; the following year there were spectacular trials and executions of men accused of spying for Israel .
28 The jury in the trial of four men accused of running a drug smuggling ring have been sent to a hotel for the night .
29 The prosecution claimed in its opening address that one of the men accused of the killing had broken down in front of his wife and confessed to the murder .
30 One of the two men accused of murdering a police informer was also a drugs dealer , according to evidence given by the prosecution on the second day of their trial .
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