Example sentences of "given a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 . ’ To the non-musician , the name Mozart means the archetypal prodigy , the boy who started composing at four years old , and as a child touring the courts of Europe astounded monarchs with his amazing aptitude for keyboard playing ; who at 14 copied out from memory a complex choral piece heard once in the Sistine Chapel ; who died in mysterious circumstances and was given a pauper 's funeral in an unmarked grave .
2 The advocates of equality , as well as those more concerned with other goals , are given a cue for reflection on the inequalities of equalization .
3 The audience is thus given a cue as to what is likely to happen , and dramatic tension is created by the characters ' knowing as much as they do , but carrying on regardless .
4 In the latter situation subjects were given a cue prior to the stimulus presentation ( pre-cued condition ) so that they knew beforehand whether to report the inner or outer column or the letters printed in a particular colour .
5 Given a Sylos assumption by a potential entrant , entry will seem nonsensical since price is bound to fall as the entrant 's output will add to industry output , and the potential entrant ( with the same technology as the established firm ) will therefore make losses .
6 The effect of applying for an IVA can be dramatic ; the individual is given a breathing space .
7 The effect of applying for an IVA can be dramatic ; the individual is given a breathing space .
8 Turtle breeding beaches in western Cyprus have been given a breathing space by the decision of the government to freeze development in the area for one year .
9 And the State Department said sure , you know , cos they did n't have a deadline , the president had n't given a deadline .
10 New Zealand international hooker Duane Mann has also been given a deadline of next week to decide on his new deal .
11 ‘ The club were given a deadline of November 29 1991 for confirmation of the terms agreed with their agents , but the agents have recently confirmed that the club no longer wish to purchase the property . ’
12 A senior Government minister replied that people were being given a stake in society by being allowed to buy their council houses .
13 Second , Leys then notes that the civil bureaucracy is given a stake in the system .
14 Remember that the principle is that the audience is given a stake in what is performed ; they are an interactive part of the drama .
15 I think the real nitty gritty of this question is , given a T tumour can you pick out the good from the bad using this technique ?
16 I 'd been given a pair of lime green webbed gloves as a wedding present by Roger , my surfing guru in Newquay .
17 On the next day , he had to appear again before the Emperor and was given a pair of white gloves to put on before he took the Royal pulse ; he pronounced His Majesty to be in good health , which pleased the Emperor .
18 Once after I had recited at the Guild I was given a pair of woollen gloves , speckled coloured , and with cuffs , which was quite an unexpected treat .
19 Onlookers at a charity sponsored walk were given a smile , as some rather large oriental visitors gave the event their support .
20 The program 's task , given a diagram like that of Figure 2 , is to discover whether the arrangements of blocks depicted is stable , — if it is not — to predict the movements ( falling , sliding , motion ended by contact with another block ) and the final state of various blocks .
21 At meal times the children would make a line and wait at one end of the room , where a table had been placed , there they would be given a helping of that day 's menu .
22 Emma was experimenting with atonal motifs on a xylophone and Vicky had been given a doll but had pulled the arm off .
23 You do n't say whether you were fined or , more likely at that age , given a probation or a conditional discharge .
24 Second , the male family members , because they are male , are given a credibility — and hence power — to influence non admission not given to female members .
25 The state of destination is given a discretion ( though the convention does not specify by which organ of the state the discretion is to be exercised ) to execute a letter rogatory which does not indicate the person to be held responsible for the costs and expenses ; the point here is that there is a discretion to refuse to execute letters in such circumstances .
26 will prevent him having to consider a mass of trivial complaints where it is unlikely that criminal charges would ever be brought but there has been some concern that the chief officer of police is given a discretion whether or not to refer complaints which disclose criminal conduct to the D.P.P. , although this decision is of course supervised .
27 In some instances failure to comply becomes a separate offence with prescribed penalties ; in others , the court is given a discretion to treat silence as if it were a contempt of court .
28 ‘ The court is given a discretion as to the costs to award .
29 What good news it is that SNH have given a £7,000 grant for repair work on the path to Blaven , one of the most spectacular mountains in the Skye Cuillin .
30 A RESEARCH unit at the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education in Wrexham has been given a £130,000 boost by a funding body .
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