Example sentences of "much more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's so much more congenial to meet here than in my office at the radio . ’
2 Marxism 's vision of socialism was much more congenial to the intelligentsia than that of a peasant-based utopia .
3 It was so much more congenial than the flat near Victoria — unsuitably dominated by Westminster Cathedral — where she had lived with her mother .
4 It was so much more businesslike to spread out needlework or write letters sitting at a table .
5 But that night at the end of September which ended in revulsion and hatred so far as you were concerned had earlier come to a much more disgusting climax .
6 Some are close to our world , others much more remote .
7 They have benefited the rich at the expense of the poor , and Britain in 1990 is a much more unequal society than it was in 1979 .
8 Diverse cropping such as this is ecologically sound because it is much more akin to the rainforest that it replaces , in contrast to monoculture , and provides a year-round protective cover for the soil .
9 But they are much more akin to many modern skyscrapers : they rather symbolize the social ambitions of their makers — and the comparative difficulty of self-expression on an ample scale in the crowded streets of a medieval city .
10 This is much more akin to a controlled language " than to a natural language .
11 That avoids the high-rev histrionics of the GT through a quieter engine and longer gearing , making it a much more relaxing car to drive long-distance .
12 A touch of a button is all that 's needed to change your sleeping position to one that 's so much more relaxing .
13 Out of the two authors , I prefer Harper Lee 's style of writing because she is much more fluent in her writing and it contains energy , happiness , sadness , and really imaginative descriptions .
14 I have divided E and F according to whether they are actively engaged in projecting , i.e. either making something or merely percipients of a ‘ running ’ stimulus , a much more passive role .
15 Choose a task requiring a variety of skills and experience , not those of an expert ( often an expert alone is much more competent than a group ) .
16 I should think people other people would be much more feel much more competent as well .
17 The Bureau can make legal demands that MI5 would find much more tricky .
18 Much more tricky than knowing if you 've found a badger sett , is knowing whether or not it is still active .
19 The May Hill Stakes , frequently an early guide to the following year 's Classics , is much more tricky to predict .
20 Following the unbanning of the ANC and other organizations and the release of Nelson Mandela , the focus of the programme has become much more developmental , supporting group training ( Access ) and postgraduate study .
21 You , poor little one , were the victim of a pure overwhelming desire , and I of a smaller desire by no means pure ; and I feel much more abject than if that desire had been satisfied .
22 For this the recantations were insufficient , and different tactics were now applied to obtain a much more abject confession .
23 Pilgrimages to Jerusalem became a much more solemn and expensive occasion .
24 How much more depressed he would have been , if he could have seen the silent trombonist in years to come , ensconced in his offices , sifting the sparse and scattered remains of his life .
25 Apart from partisanship , age also proved significant : older people had a much more favourable image of politicians of all kinds and , to a lesser extent , parties of all kinds .
26 This alone improves NEC by around £70/kW/ year and the final NEC works out at the much more favourable — £93/kW/year .
27 This is despite quoting statistics that present a much more favourable view of the Czechs .
28 Your institute produced a series of powerful critiques of the Czechoslovak economy in the 1980s , although you stressed that its position was much more favourable than that of Poland or Hungary .
29 The STV 's performance then appears in a much more favourable light .
30 There is little social provision for single-parent families and , indeed , government policy is much more favourable to the widowed parent than to the divorced parent , even if their situations are very similar .
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