Example sentences of "much [adj -er] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Size is often difficult to judge , but the rounded wings of the buzzard are so much shorter that once the sheer length of an eagle 's wings has been experienced , it is impossible to mistake the two .
2 Actually it is redder than Betelgeux , but it looks so much fainter that the colour is not so striking even in binoculars .
3 They made the front roll bar so much stiffer that the cars understeered out of the race with the front tyres worn out .
4 In this rather similar example , however , we think it is much clearer that the comma is a mistake and far less likely that it is simply a style variant : This has the implication that , novel-writing in Wales …
5 By the beginning of August Ricky 's arm was so much better that he was able gently to stick and ball .
6 Well , from Cizek 's point of view , it is much better that they should draw as they know to be , than for him to show them by means of perspective how to draw the house as it is seen by the camera 's eye .
7 Although I do put details of funeral arrangements in will in connection with buried or cremated , in practice it 's much better that you tell your intending executors what 's intended , because sometimes the will is n't even opened until after the funeral .
8 It is much better that the district council should have the responsibility for choosing its own priorities .
9 It 's much better that though is n't it ?
10 the erm , I mean if there 's only one much worse that they know that everyone much better for their
11 Well the thing is you see I think wha from what I 've gathered on from the radio programme is that the actual erm the attitude of the kids to the metro had got so much worse that they 're having to do something about it
12 It is much likelier that Albanian gunmen killed them .
13 Another one which is very relaxing , and this one you 'll find much stronger that the It 's a different smell .
14 Gatsby 's love is so much stronger that Clegg 's as he will do this for Daisy , whereas it never occurs to Clegg to make that sort of sacrifice for Miranda .
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