Example sentences of "women could not " in BNC.

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1 Did they feel that women could n't be militant ?
2 He knew women could n't resist flowers — Karen had once told him so .
3 When the baskets were full the women could n't look down : their heads were braced erect by the tension of the rope across their foreheads bearing the weight of the load on their backs .
4 She was the only midwife in our district and if the women could n't afford her the neighbours helped , a practice which often ended in tragedy .
5 Where the women could n't get at him and talk .
6 by no means ‘ lightly advancing thro ’ her star-trimm 'd crowd' — he had even gone so far as to look up Lantor 's lines about Ianthe — but perhaps women could n't be expected always to live up to what poets wrote about them .
7 Oh it was a dreadful thing when you come to think of it now , the poor women could n't help it she was must have been in desperate straits to do a thing like that .
8 Reading their lives , one feels angry that women could not be elected as much as not be electors .
9 At this time when women could not hold property after they married , typically daughters were left trust funds which would provide them with an income , while sons received land , property and liquid assets ( Davidoff and Hall , 1987 , pp. 205–7 ) .
10 Nevertheless , it is instructive to look at why , for example , Thomas Aquinas thought that women could not be ordained ( for his views have clearly been highly influential in the Catholic tradition ) .
11 In the absence of any details it is difficult to assess the force of these references to biology and sociology … . ( 1 ) What , if any , were the false biological views in question ? ( 2 ) How did it follow from them that women could not be ordained to the priesthood ? ( 3 ) What are the views which have taken their place ? … . ( 7 ) Have the views about women which have now come to be held proved to be true ?
12 If women could not represent God , that reflected upon women .
13 Arguing against those who said that women could not be ordained , the Anglican theologian of the last generation Leonard Hodgson comments that to say ‘ that a woman is incapable of receiving the priestly or episcopal character involves saying that her sexual differentiation carries with it a deficiency in spiritual receptivity and power ’ .
14 Women could not normally inherit in other ancient Near Eastern countries , but in Israel the ruling is given that brotherless daughters may inherit .
15 " Intelligent , respectable workmen " were engaged to do the tasks the women could not : which according to Miss Faithfull meant " lifting of the iron chases … the carrying of cases of weighty type … and the whole of the presswork " , By October there were nineteen women compositors in the office , several of them the daughters of master printers .
16 But male compositors made it easier for them to do this , and justified the division of labour , when they agreed that women could not attain all the skills of the trade .
17 Her attitude was one with which the reader will now be familiar : that women could not reasonably expect the same pay as men : That we know would be impossible , at least in the meantime , as up to now all girl apprentices have only served an apprenticeship of three years , whereas a boy serves seven .
18 The Martin and Roberts ( 1984 ) survey found all manner of weird and wonderful reasons given by husbands as to why they thought women could not do their jobs .
19 Women could not play a conspicuous part in scientific life .
20 Some London women could not afford the appropriate clothing for a trip to the City , where the better paid work was to be found .
21 The debate over the inequality in the divorce laws ( men could divorce on a simple charge of adultery but women could not ) also began during the late nineteenth century , and revision of the laws was recommended by the Royal Commission on Divorce in 1912 .
22 The species could not survive if men and women could not recognize that they were both alike as members of one species and different as individuals of opposite sex .
23 At first I thought that Anthony Trollope , though an amusing writer , was another male author of the nineteenth century who assumed that women could not exist without a man somewhere in the vicinity .
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