Example sentences of "important [subord] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think other things are more important than sharing the same profession .
2 Mr. Noyce firmly believes that the work of Outreach is even more important than providing the improved facilities at the church itself .
3 It was obvious now to the World that America 's involvement had driven Kennedy into supporting a corrupt , totalitarian government because the US felt that stopping Communism was more important than setting up a democratic government in South Vietnam .
4 Handling the information held in the system is more important than handling the system , for the system is merely a means to an end .
5 He also found that moulding the right shape was more important than pecking up loose stuff , and that they would mould in a bean bag as well as in straw .
6 Doubtless there will be some who will argue that attempting to change structures is less important than trying to convince those who exercise power in our society to do so responsibly or that in any case radical changes in structures are politically impossible .
7 Marking a child 's spelling errors should always be less important than reading with sympathy and understanding what he is trying to say .
8 Power within a practice becomes more important than developing the people in it .
9 In the past he has used Brazilian mahogany , but he now believes the Amazonian rainforest is more important than replacing his small stock .
10 It is a simple fact but one that is often overlooked in a busy day-to-day existence with so many other priorities demanding your time , but what can be more important than getting paid ?
11 ‘ That was more important than getting a gold disc .
12 Right now , that seemed almost more important than getting away from Julius .
13 An editorial recently went so far as to say that more important than establishing a framework for research and development was doing something about the failure to disseminate and apply existing knowledge .
14 As being ourselves becomes more important than looking flashy , it is only natural that relaxed , comfortable clothing should emerge once more from the wardrobe .
15 ‘ You might enjoy that kind of thing , ’ he said with more than a touch of irritation , ‘ but I have other matters to see to , more important than shifting a few papers about . ’
16 Winning design awards may be more important than building affordable , practical housing estates .
17 Planning its history became more important than acting it out .
18 What banana brain thinks that a curved edge to the lid is more important than removing an excess 200g ?
19 Indeed , in answering my question , identifying her place in a knowing audience is more important than supplying ‘ accurate ’ information about Jamie 's role , which is added only as an afterthought : ‘ He 's cute and podgy ’ .
20 However , sometimes , these seem less important than terrifying the public .
21 There are times when making language function effectively is more important than producing perfectly pronounced , grammatically correct sentences .
22 But common sense may have been more important than learning in perceiving the vulnerability of most castles to — battering-rams and catapults ; for even in 1100 they were , as a rule , primitive structures .
23 more important than talking , you will need to listen .
24 For those with a young family the inevitable taxi duties and watching our children take part in their school and club activities become more important than lying on the settee recovering from the morning session .
25 Having a sense of humour is probably more important than having a fishing rod amongst ‘ The Naver Nuts ’ .
26 Meanwhile , having a consistent worldwide system is more important than having the best possible one in any single state .
27 A convention exists when people follow certain rules or maxims for reasons that essentially include their expectation that others will follow the same rules or maxims , and they will follow rules for that reason when they believe that on balance having some settled rule is more important than having any particular rule .
28 Asking questions is much more important than answering them .
29 It is important not to be inflexible when looking at housing options , although sometimes it seems that dogma is of overriding importance to staff and , indeed , more important than finding solutions which suit individuals .
30 There have to be some standards but a track record is more important than spending three weekends away being taught something you already know , and I 'm quite happy to stand or fall on my personal record .
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