Example sentences of "important [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 Other than that , it was important that she should look interesting so that even if what she said was dull the audience would not be bored ; that the outfit should take account of the long range view — jewellery or other small items were irrelevant — and that it should draw attention to her face .
2 Yet her role in altering the political balance in the Conservative party and directing the government has been so important that she merits discussion in her own right .
3 She worked as an assistant in a dress shop and it was important that she looked smart .
4 One lunchtime when she had been at the House of Mattli for a few months Paula went there for her usual coffee and the cottage cheese salad that was her staple diet now that it was so important that she did not add a single half-inch to her wand-slim figure .
5 He shifted his body towards her and spoke as if it were important that she , of all those present , should understand .
6 It was important that she should feel confident to discuss and question the progress of her husband 's condition in the less threatening environment of her own home .
7 She stressed that , as a councillor and member of the Social Work Committee , it was important that she should be in possession of these facts as soon as possible .
8 Constance felt it was important that she and this woman get on .
9 The female cuckoo is thus very restricted as to where she can lay her eggs , and it is important that she keeps an eye on the whereabouts of potential hosts .
10 It seemed to her important that she should meet him standing .
11 When the nurse collects the patient from theatre it is important that she checks the patient 's circulatory and fluid status and ensures that prescriptions for the fluid regime have been completed .
12 He hated lying to her , even over something as innocent as this , but it was important that she did n't get involved .
13 As Laura 's personal taste was moving away from the little cottage sprigs , Jane believed it was important that she was not deluged in an avalanche of everything that was vaguely old ; that , for example , French eighteenth century was not mixed with Welsh nineteenth century .
14 That 's why it 's so important that she has efficient help . ’
15 ‘ And when you need to give her more chloroform , ’ he said , ‘ hand the leg you are holding to Rose — you may take them both on your shoulders if you will , Rose ; it 's important that she does n't regain consciousness during the actual birth . ’
16 Similarly , for the teenage girl from a strongly Catholic family it might be particularly important that she avoid pregnancy in a relationship with a boy to whom she felt sure she would not like to be married .
17 It was important that she meet this fiancée as soon as possible , so that she could judge her suitability as a mother for Kirsty .
18 It was important that she ring her parents to let them know not to expect her that day .
19 Erm , and I , I think it 's important that she 's left this legacy
20 Many of her friends were in politics or belonged to political families , it was the era of the Liberal reforms and that was what fired her most : she went to dinner-parties where she sat next to men who were going to make a speech that night and there were weeks when she went to the House every day , it was what she had always wanted , it was history , it was important , immensely important and she was seeing it , seeing it happen and that was important to her .
21 It was she who told me that Doogie was a commis chef at one of the better Park Lane hotels ( and I 'd said I had n't realized his politics were important and she 'd just looked at me ) and she was a journalist with one of the North London suburban weeklies .
22 One Birmingham woman was able to keep her button-carding work in her bedroom , which was important because she considered that it looked ‘ so poverty ’ to be seen doing it downstairs .
23 I just managed to get in the fact that it really was quite important before she hung up .
24 It is equally important when she is wearing a soft tunic or one-piece tights and leotard .
25 And if our parliamentary accountability is as important as she frequently claims in this context , why is she reluctant to take part in the debate ?
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