Example sentences of "important that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Burrows seems to have lived with his material for so long that he has forgotten to throw out enough clues for the rest of us , and there are few hints as to why certain sequences are so important that they should be repeated over and over again But what constantly saves the piece from disappearing into itself is the obliquely moving nature of the central relationship and some patchy but startlingly lovely dance images .
2 It is important that they should know about changes in Department of Social Services benefits , how other Service charities and voluntary agencies work , how to help people to cope with bereavement , the steps to take regarding the increasing problems of debt , and how to meet the special needs of the elderly .
3 Unfortunately senior executives often either consider that no-one less senior than themselves can be trusted with knowledge of a meeting , or that the meeting is so important that they alone are significant enough to occupy the chair .
4 Family and part-time farmers usually had to make greater sacrifices than those from the larger units to attend training courses so it was extremely important that they should derive benefits from participating .
5 This makes it especially important that they be carefully selected for the work they do , that their tasks and functions be appropriate and clearly defined , and that they receive whatever training is needed to ensure that they can perform their jobs adequately .
6 Self-contained smoke detectors require routine maintenance such as testing and cleaning , so it is important that they can be reached easily and safely .
7 In speech development , for example , it is important that they are in the company of children with normal speech when their speech patterns develop — generally around the age of five .
8 It is important that they become completely natural to you if you are to base your system upon them .
9 So it 's important that they 're supported throughout by senior staff , because it 's never very easy to fit into an established team who may be used to the old ways of doing things . ’
10 The individuals may function well in different compartments , and while they may have inhabited the same house for 30 years , believing they are together , they may , in fact , not be together as far as their hopes and expectations go , so it is terribly important that they voice these things to their partners .
11 It is obviously an emotional occasion for parents and it is important that they recognize , right from the start , that another person now comes first in their child 's love and loyalty .
12 There is no reason why a couple should continue to have sex into old age if they decide together that they do not want to , but it is important that they make a decision rather than lapse into no sex as a result of neglect or unresolved problems .
13 As children grow older , and start going to school , it is very important that they feel as ‘ normal ’ as possible .
14 Many words which express mathematical ideas are used over and over again and it is important that they are used correctly , especially comparatives such as wider , longer , deeper , heavier , lighter , thicker and thinner .
15 ‘ It 's important that they see each other tonight , ’ Kalchu explained .
16 It was important that they should all be seen to be doing this in a town as a matter of agreed policy , to present a common front to prospective buyers who could not therefore accuse a particular tradesman of unfairly , unjustly discrediting him as a personal vendetta .
17 Often , of course , the story is so important that they have to cover it , but it goes against the grain to be sweeping up behind another paper 's scoops .
18 Clearly , whatever the problems it is important that they are dealt with as early as possible .
19 And of course we keep their rooms for them as long as there 's any chance at all — it 's tremendously important that they should feel they 've a home to go back to . ’
20 Where they still exist , it is important that they are not undermined ; but where they have withered away , we need to look to new models which take account of the changing patterns and forces in modern society .
21 As public shopping arcades lend themselves to situations of abuse it is important that they have somewhere warm to go ; one example of a voluntary initiative is that Bradford Council of Mosques has set up a day centre for retired older men .
22 When they do , it is important that they literally stick together until they breed .
23 I happened to believe that it was important that they protected this week in the international calendar for Britain , especially as in two or three years time , there is the possibility of it being moved to a time when , in theory at least , it ought to be easier to attract top players .
24 There is some historic evidence to suggest that it included about 800 titles , among which some so important that they have tantalised historians ever since : works by Cicero , Tacitus , the Greek historian Polybius , the playwright Aristophanes etc. , quite possibly in complete versions .
25 It is important that they be researched . ’
26 If the policeman was right , if it was a deadly game played by professionals with the resources of the KGB behind them , it was important that they did n't suspect their plot had been uncovered .
27 They are not so insignificant that they can be ignored ; but nor are they so important that they can be allowed to kill the only prospect for peace that does not involve a fight to a standstill .
28 For British artists it 's important that they should be able to match their work against the best international modern art .
29 It was important that they should feel that I was healthy and happy .
30 It is important that they should understand that they are not being examined to see how ignorant they are but that you are trying , with their help , to help them to become good spellers .
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