Example sentences of "used for make " in BNC.

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1 is made from Guernsey milk from the Duke of Wellington 's cattle and processed in vats that were originally used for making Edam .
2 A codicil is really a supplementary will , and is generally used for making some alteration in a will without revoking it as a whole .
3 They can then be eaten with sugar and cream or used for making medlar jelly , which is delicious with game .
4 His suggestions included requests for more towels on Sundays , coconut mats for the worst tees ( ‘ as used on other courses ’ ) , for the sand boxes ( used for making tee pegs ) to have small holes bored in them to let rainwater drain away .
5 He got grape concentrate , sugar , cooking brandy and a large bottle of bleach and put the mixture into a large saucepan Elinor used for making marmalade .
6 When numerical data is used for making generalizations about the world this is usually based on limited information or samples .
7 It is a clay used for making glazed tiles , wash basins and lavatory pans .
8 Paper money and copper-nickel coins are used for making payments in most countries but readers will appreciate that most money in advanced economies takes the form of bank deposits which are transferred between parties by means of cheque , giro and other payment mechanisms or techniques .
9 The skins are sold to the rug trade and in future they may be used for making garments .
10 Mr. Macdonald spoke of the methods used for making the prints , the shading required , the need for softer grades of paper and the treatment needed for cracked negatives .
11 They can also be used for making flat designs on the ground , imaginary steering wheels and stepping stones .
12 Just as importantly , the shape of the FP20 SA means that the planer ca n't be used for making rebates .
13 If these are carefully stuck with waterproof glue on to a piece of stout board or plywood , cut ends to the board and in close rows , the whole board can be used for making individual holes for large seeds in trays of compost , umpteen at a time , and neatly !
14 Draw these parts separately on to a piece of strong wrapping paper or thin card , or you can buy a special waxed fabric like the waxed linen our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used for making braid , Irish crochet lace or the genuine fine needlepoint laces .
15 Two books of puzzles which will motivate children beginning to learn English to practise a range of language used for making guesses , agreeing and disagreeing , deciding , etc .
16 Sheet bronze was also used for making armour .
17 It was suggested that a flour-mill for the employment of the paupers should be created , the flour produced to be used for making the bread for the paupers in the workhouse , as well as for the several parishes in the union .
18 Bones were used for making explosives , glue and paint for aeroplane mark markings , and proved the most difficult of all to collect .
19 At the worst it can be used for making a cold frame or compost bin .
20 All slides used for making chromosome preparations should be clean .
21 In commerce the designation ivory has sometimes been extended to nuts of the Phytelephas palm of South America , but this has only been used for making things like buttons , draughtsmen and netsuke .
22 It was used for making vessels based on bronze forms as well as for ornaments .
23 Take a small water boiler such as those used for making tea — they are great for boiling water to either drink or clean your teeth .
24 roots provide a dye , grey , yellow or orangey depending on mordant ; fresh leaves as a liquid fertilizer , compost accelerator , and insecticide ; fibre of roots once widely used for making cloth , twine ; fresh leaves as fly deterrent
25 They then run it into pits , break it up , and use it for road stone or alternatively , the molten slag is run over water-cooled rollers where it forms little tiny pellets with a high air content which are used for making insulation blocks .
26 Erm yeah How how is running water used for making electricity ?
27 How much how much is used for making and polyethylene and things ?
28 Scott and James McCalman said at the time that it was a stone used for making charcoal after the following fashion .
29 One facility used for making helicopter blades is now finding new use for producing jointless Wings which have the added benefit of being cheap to import because of the weak state of the Rand .
30 Right : Once a chaotic artists ' studio , this upstairs room is now used for making jewellery , reading and listening to music
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