Example sentences of "says to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Dwayne says to somebody .
2 he must of done Arthur , he moved and pulled everything , he 's ever such a good boy , he 's says to ya , I do n't know why he says but I can eat as much as I can , said I never get fat , I said I know why you do n't get fat
3 You inhabit a world without hope , she says to me .
4 See , the other week there , I was on beat duty and this wee nipper , could n't have been more than 6 or 7 , came round the corner and says to me , ‘ Fuck off , ya black bastard . ’
5 I was talking to the boys [ members of the RUC ] and one says to me , ‘ When do you start work , later on ? ’
6 ‘ Thank you , William , ’ Marie says to me when I give her the tea , and I say ‘ Is there anything else , your Highness ? ’ like we 're king and queen or summat .
7 When the great Audit Day comes and the Great Accountant says to me , ‘ And what did you do ? ’ ,
8 Anyway , after a bit , when she can talk , she says to me , ‘ The cheeky old devil ! — Did you know , then ? ’
9 There is no one else can remember except you Wilson Mrs Browning says to me not even Robert , and it is true .
10 On stage he says to me , ‘ Get me a Lancashire cocktail , my man . ’
11 ‘ Vile , ’ is the first thing Esme says to me , referring not to the freezing weather but the correct pronunciation of the Welsh Brother 's name : Cad-vile .
12 When Mr Palmer arrived I did n't tell him I was caddying for Gary , and I do n't know whether he 'd forgotten or what , but when Gary says to me , ‘ OK , Tip , let's go , ’ Arnold looks at me and says , ‘ What are you doing , Tip ? ’
13 He says to me , ‘ Tip , I 'm going to give you more money than anyone 's ever given a caddie before , but just look after my clubs .
14 We had quite a simple shot to make the green , and Lee says to me , ‘ Willie , I 'm only interested in getting to the middle of the green . ’
15 He paced it back and says to me , ‘ Where is the ball ? ’
16 He says to me , ‘ What 's over there ? ’
17 Eddie says to me : ‘ Brother Brad , when the waves are hitting the bath-house , you do n't go out ’ . '
18 It 's a form of monologue , of course , and I could never stand before a learned judge and be cross-questioned by counsel and state upon oath all that that tree says to me .
19 This fellow Dickerly says to me , ‘ Can you give me a bit of advice , officer ? ’
20 As He says to me you can choose yir freends but you canny choose yir flock !
21 I met him at my wee cousin 's wedding — he was the Best Man — he says to me would you like to go out for a bite to eat ?
22 So , she starts quizzing me and I start nattering on about the bloody Brontes — I think Mrs Fleming must 've been really intelligent when she was young , honest-to-god she was firing them at me faster than Bamber Gascoigne , she says to me : ‘ And tell me , Karen , how are you going to deal with the themes of Repressed Sexuality in the Brontes ' work ? ’
23 ‘ What this says to me is that the middle and upper classes are being taught how to control the machine , and the lower class is being controlled by it , ’ he said .
24 All he says to me now is , ‘ Just make sure you 're there for me . ’
25 ‘ I strongly believe that if someone says to me , ‘ I 've had my house interior designed ’ , it 's just meaningless rubbish .
26 You 're to bolt and bar the house up , she says to me .
27 ‘ I 've no daughter , ’ she says to me .
28 ‘ My brother , ’ Richard says to me , ‘ is a pillow-biter .
29 One of my friends was at Sherborne and speaks very posh — I took him back to my place for a drink one day and my dad was going , ‘ Dennis , listen to Tim , listen — go on , talk , say something ’ and my friend says , ‘ Well I do n't know what to say really , Mr Waterman , ’ and my dad says to me , ‘ Why do n't you talk like that , you could make a fortune . ’
30 ‘ We were thinking before you got here , ’ he says to me , ‘ this is the first interview with ‘ no angle ’ .
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