Example sentences of "quite [adj] i " in BNC.

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1 He says Well you 're quite right n y I Cos I did n't think we You know I 'd said to the man already it 's quite possible I would n't be able to really take the stuff out of store for him .
2 Well I think I feel a bit ambivalent on this point because and it 's quite possible I was smiling because I 'm thinking of parts of the report where a huge number of women say that they just deal with this on their own terms , and of course they do .
3 But if it is military evidences that you are pursuing , then I would leave Tarbes and go instead to the splendid castle of Montaner , a few miles to the north-west — not quite Pyrenean I will admit , but near enough and certainly good enough to be brought in here .
4 It 's quite right I should have them .
5 That 's quite right I think because it is a good , good thing .
6 Quite interesting I could give you a much gr a greater variety of ways up and down stairs than probably anybody .
7 What do we mean what is assertive mean to you ? this is gon na be quite interesting I suspect .
8 That if you like , er , and I 've used this example before but I 'll use it again , it was quite interesting I think anyway , is that one of the examples we used on one of courses , is that somebody calls into the depot and says , I need help , I 've got to get this delivered by tomorrow and collections or you or whoever takes the call , is very excited because this person says it 's three hundred and fifty kilos and I need it today , it 's Durham , we 'll use Durham , we 're starting from here , in Durham tomorrow morning .
9 to take part which should be quite interesting I have n't really discussed it in detail with him because I was n't sure who else was taking part and what sort of format we 're thinking of having
10 erm Yes it 's quite interesting I mean the if you go and look at the computerised facility that I 'd found about communications training , there are something like three hundred and ninety two sources of training in Scotland .
11 It 's a bit like , I 'll , I 'll , it 's very , you know very , it 's quite curly I thought , because I really thought she had a perm done , when , when she had it .
12 Anyway things got quite hot and eventually one of the guides was sent over to talk to the Indians and the word came back that they would n't share their camp with us anyway , which is quite funny I suppose .
13 The Meldrew thread was quite funny I thought .
14 Some would be quite funny I should think some of the comments we 're making !
15 I was straight with all of them , mind you , made it quite clear I had no axe to grind .
16 That 's quite clear I 'm prepared to do that .
17 It seems quite clear I thought
18 ‘ Then as long as that 's quite clear I 'll see what I can do to plan out a program for you .
19 Well to be quite clear I 'm prepared to allow debate on that motion if you wish it to be if the majority of you wish there to be a fight , but if the majority wish the er to pass the vote on the amendment I will take that , do you wish to .
20 I 'll call for a vote for quite clear I am going to stick to what I 've said that I consider that the amendment has been proposed it can be if it 's to be accepted it can then be accepted by the Committee as a whole
21 Quite high I think .
22 Bruno never takes an opponent for granted but said : ‘ I saw the tape of Coetzer 's fight with Bowe and to be quite honest I do n't think there 's any problem with him .
23 To be quite honest I quite like the iron
24 I do n't to be quite honest I do n't think there 's anything left of .
25 Well to be quite honest I ca n't honestly remember .
26 Well to be quite honest I think the reason she wanted it in Norwich was cos Glasgow 're over-loaded as it was I think and they had to learn new skills and staff support and therefore it might not be a good idea to have them as well
27 well to be quite honest I mean th that sounds like good er justification as far as I 'm concerned for moving a moving her work to somebody else or moving her on to somebody else
28 well to be quite honest I 'll I 'll state my point of view at the moment .
29 To be quite honest I could just go to bed .
30 To be quite honest I have n't seen to talk to .
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