Example sentences of "things [is] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Besides carbon , hydrogen , oxygen , and nitrogen , two other non-metals are of outstanding significance in living things : sulphur ( which among other things is a common component of proteins ) ; and phosphorus ( which — among many other roles — is an essential component of nucleic acids ) .
2 Learning that there is more than one solution to things is a valuable lesson .
3 But surely , sitting down working out the legality of it , working out sensible practical things is a much more sensible way of proving you love somebody , and that you 're you 're genuine about it !
4 None of these things is a wonderful new panacea , but greater awareness of SBUs and life-cycles and the sort of options available at each stage will ensure that a fuller range of options is considered .
5 ‘ That the Chief Constable has to face the Press to explain things is a major pointer that the Government and the public should closely examine , ’ the detective
6 So she said that big girl ! oh I think I 'm getting it so I said , but I know you used to talk about it , and I said here we go ! and her I did n't know the others , but Tom said one of the other things is a it 's this girl , but I said no she 's got a and then she said and I , and I thought that 's a big , I did n't know !
7 Erm , the the other things is a little while ago she was erm , er , er you know , giving me bills like for about five or six pounds once for cleaning materials , and I queried this , because it 's quite a lot of money and erm , so she tells me that she buys expensive erm bleach and she uses a bottle of that a week , well she only comes in three times , and I said well , that 's very extravagant I said and told her what , but since I told her that .
8 Secondly the fact of a recognized way of doing things is an acknowledgement of the importance of the event .
9 ‘ One of the appalling things is the way you joined your co-accused in your wickedness .
10 It seems to me that this way of looking at things is the only one which allows us to understand the validity of the second law , and the heat death of each individual world , without invoking a unidimensional change of the entire universe from a definite initial state to a final state . ’
11 Hoarding things is the main problem .
12 My experience of such things is the simpler , the better , but your discretion , your needs and the fatness of your wallet will probably guide your decision here .
13 One of the group 's members observed : ‘ One of the worrying things is the utter secrecy that surrounds all these prospecting activities now taking place — it 's extremely difficult to get any information about what 's going on and what people 's rights are and what dangers are involved ’ .
14 One of , one of the things is the , is the , I do n't know what the eye is the good thing to have in the , if somehow or other
15 What other things is the baby exposed to , it might make it cold ?
16 In presenting the traditional semantic view of reference , Lyons ( I968 : 404 ) says that ‘ the relationship which holds between words and things is the relationship of reference : words refer to things ’ .
17 So when we 're talking about defensive driving and we 're talking about safety , which is the main object of all this , to keep yourself safe one of the most important things is the attitude of the individual , would you not agree ?
18 He reports from Cairo : ‘ One of the finest things is the camel .
19 One of the most familiar things is the surface gravity , about 0.91 of that of the Earth .
20 Oh , this , this is a very important book of course and one of the , one of the astonishing things is the way totally ignored and if you look through even people who write about psychoanalyses and the social sciences and there 's a lot of them , this book is hardly ever mentioned and I , I normally nowadays routinely look for it in the , in the references and index an and many books th that purport to talk about groups and sociology is never mentioned I think , and those that do do n't ever seem to understand what it says .
21 yes , it also er imposes on me the obligation of course erm under G of article three does n't it ? which I imagine , but you can tell me if I 'm wrong Mr is the one , is probably the one article erm , part of the article under which such things is the insurance directive is er produced , but I maybe wrong
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