Example sentences of "know with the " in BNC.

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1 These remarks , as they stand , are sweeping generalisations based upon the narrowest of samples ; nevertheless we know with the wisdom of hindsight that the trends in question were definitely there in the 19th century and would become even more obvious in the 20th — that families would be smaller , and that the survival rate would improve dramatically .
2 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
3 See at I can just let her go and play out on the park , or at anything , you know with the other kids , but round here you ca n't .
4 I mean som you know I suppose they 've got to make a living some how you know with the money you get off social .
5 You know with the and when she does n't know where she 's going to get enough money to feed , clothe them and especially at a time like now , when all these adverts are on television for , you know the toys that children want , and they just have n't the ability to provide those those things for the children , much as they would want to do it .
6 er in Spain , because we reckoned it was only donkey that went in that went into the er burro as they call it , went into the went into the soup , you know with the beans and er er er various types of lentils and so on .
7 Cos I 'd lost about half a stone in weight , and I was cut down on chocolate biscuits , and I , what I 'd been doing I was was at my tea , at five o'clock , I was eating another at ten o'clock , I reckon I was overdoing it a bit you know with the I was trying to cut down a lot
8 You know with the idea that you sort of should look at your action plan and say ,
9 It 's more the stooks I 'm meaning , you know with the
10 Well one of the variants that , that was applied , you see under the , under the old er er time workers ' er arrangements where it was only the foreman who by visual contact you know with the amount of items produced at each machine could make any reasonable assessment in regard to the individual 's effort .
11 the thing you know with the , the Italians .
12 And I 'm no good at tying laces so she got me a pair of Adidas you know with the velcro ,
13 It well may be that erm you know with the help that er he can be referred to , they help him keep out of trouble again , for a lot longer .
14 And in the morning there was nothing to see they were floating about you know with the floods .
15 We need to make sure that that pressure stays on because urban areas , as we know with the City Challenge bid and others , have got distinct and unique problems which we need to address .
16 We need to make sure that that pressure stays on because urban areas , as we know with the City Challenge bid and others , have got distinct and unique problems which we need to address .
17 ‘ We 'll go out for a meal , to a quiet exclusive mirador I know with the most spectacular views across to Cabo de Formentor and then we 'll talk , really talk . ’
18 Erm again you know with the subject matter , provided you can find stuff that does tend to cover the same sort of s topics erm it does n't really
19 Do you not think that almost regardless of the reply and whatever that reply contained , with what we now know with the benefit of hindsight about Liechtenstein , which was actually known by I M R O there 's not for the benefit of hindsight that was n't known at that time , should n't I M R O have refused immediately to license any organisation that was controlled out of Liechtenstein in those circumstances ?
20 about , you know with the same writer , I always buy Sackville , something to do with Sackville , you know the erm , er , what they call it ?
21 well the big sale , you know with the furniture and everything
22 See , see what I mean about the board , it you know with the
23 we 've got a , got a picture of those just , er , with er you know with the flowers on , so be , really wan na is to make them back to the original , see they had nowt frames and I cut it up but
24 No mum , actually erm I 'm not gon na go down to Helena 's and wi , wi , you know with the dogs
25 you know with the squashed
26 you know with the , with the large , .
27 He sort of think , you know with the balloons on it , so he go he got the mouth part and urgh !
28 It does n't matter if I 'm not there but umm you know with the time she 's there and whatever .
29 Well what about using the clampers we did before , turned inside out or whatever , you know with the , force the joints
30 you know with the cams
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