Example sentences of "know be the " in BNC.

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1 I think really what happens when you go into the past is not so much that the laws that we now use change , but we just find that there are many more new rules and particles and things that can happen , so the things that we know are the same , but there are many , many more different types of interaction and particle in nature which we have no experience of , which we have to take into account .
2 Was there er was there a big gap in society in Orkney , were there You know were the rich were rich and the poor were poor ?
3 I 'm just you 're just making me think actually because I saw in one of the papers this morning erm a headline , if I can find it , it said something to the effect that — yes here it is , in the Independent , it says ‘ TV soaps are first to survive rescheduling ’ and it goes on to tell us that the British television schedules as we all know were the first casualties of war in the Gulf except for the nation 's daily diet of Australian soap .
4 Late risers always exasperate early risers like myself , who hate to miss what they know is the best part of the day .
5 To take responsibility for others when all you know is the opposite .
6 Now the the correct attitude we all know is the one where you ease off .
7 All I know is the reports which the lads filed .
8 All I know is the name Raphael . ’
9 Er that as far as we know is the referee 's confirmed that it was offside and actually if you look at that it was offside .
10 Nature of course as you know is the world 's leading science journal and er I have to read Nature every week .
11 And in this particular county one has only got to look to Ryedale who s I so far as I know is the only authority to have carried out a comprehensive survey of local housing needs .
12 ‘ All I know is the bastard things are good enough not to need much repair and there 's no real second-hand market in them .
13 Natural selection , the blind , unconscious , automatic process which Darwin discovered , and which we now know is the explanation for the existence and apparently purposeful form of all life , has no purpose in mind .
14 Er now these are you know is the lexicon a Pascal module or a C module ?
15 I am grateful now will you turn to page seventy eight in the centre This is you know is the brochure for er Westcliff on Sea
16 Well I know I know is the only one that realised I would 've been more shocked if had yeah I would have been out on the pavement here whistling with a banjo whistling Dixie there you are that one no not yet no .
17 That I know is the very strong view of my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary and indeed , also amongst a good many members in another place and indeed in Your Lordships House .
18 I mean erm the second main paymaster of myself you know is the University in fact and erm without them I do n't suppose I could have sort of financed the extra side of sort of clothing everything else for my mayoralty .
19 What Do You Want you know was the shortest number one in history .
20 Er it would n't have been so bad you know because we when we set out first it was just you know to be successful at home and then we were successful over here and that was you know was the serious big surprise .
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