Example sentences of "here [that] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is worth emphasizing here that at least four costs have been proposed for inbreeding , and at least seven for outbreeding .
2 We live so isolated an existence here that to me it seems quite odd .
3 She says here that of course there can now be no question of marriage , and she is right . ’
4 Is that are you saying that you fee you feel living here that as a second rate citizen or you think other people see you
5 In advance of that , however , it can be noted here that as a generalization about the fabliaux , rather than a point to consider in relation to some fabliaux , her claim may go too far .
6 For example , without wishing to go into the debate about the Bishop of Durham s well-known views — and I want to say here that on the resurrection and virgin birth I take the traditional teaching of the Church — I am concerned when speakers are ignorant of some of the critical insights which have given rise to the Bishop 's well thought-out views .
7 It is sufficient to note here that under ss1 , 2 and 4 of the Resale Prices Act 1976 , collective agreement between manufacturers and dealers to withhold supplies from those who do not observe laid down resale prices or charges for hiring , hire purchase , or conditional sale are unlawful .
8 ( It is useful to understand here that in the ancient middle east pearls were among the most precious of gems and were highly esteemed as personal ornaments .
9 The relationship between teachers and pupils is in many ways similar to the relationship between other professionals and their clients , but it is suggested here that in an ideal sense ( and in many cases practically too ) it does have special characteristics which are fundamentally opposed to traditional ideas of professionalism .
10 It was here that in 1846 a revised version of Catherine 's largely unsuccessful Charter to the Towns ( 1785 ) created the first urban institutions capable of significantly improving local amenities .
11 It is also relevant here that in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries meetings between rulers were exceedingly rare ( Louis XIV never met William III , the Emperor Leopold I or Charles II of Spain , the rivals against whom he struggled for so long ) and negotiations between them had therefore to be conducted entirely through their diplomats .
12 I would like to add here that after the PM 's announcement and the start of the siren wailing there was a dignified stroll to the shelters , but as the tempo of the siren note seemed to get more urgent the pace quickened and no one wanted to start a sprint but I , being a scrum-half , anticipated this and was in the shelter first .
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