Example sentences of "more than the " in BNC.

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1 Some rankings have more than the approval of the author of a guide , and are attested by other authorities , local or even national .
2 If so , the power of critics may be no more than the listings services offered in the papers or on posters , while real power can be found in the organisation of the art market .
3 The child , possessed by wonder and nameless hauntings , tried to join together the heavings and creakings and groans and gasps and little cries he had heard as he lay on the floor , his mother 's disturbed concentration now , his father 's stillness as if felled , and the sticky warmth in which he lay between them , something more than the sweat that was there before , a substance he divined as elemental , mysterious , newly decanted , that touched his flesh and his senses with profound , unattainable meaning .
4 Cavaye recommends that caterers buy an extra 10% to 15% more than the number of covers on main items like knives , forks and spoons , double the number for teaspoons and a little over half for fish knives .
5 Many garden centres offer a great deal more than the stock range of houseplants , I have seen unusual specimens like daturas laden with superbly scented flowers , anthuriums ( aptly named the flamingo flower ) , streptocarpus , the new pot gerberas ( huge flowers in fabulous colours ) and the much improved New Guinea hybrid impatiens .
6 This is slightly more than the distance that most pilots would like for a spot landing at the gliding site because you need a little more time for the approach in a strange place .
7 Nevertheless it remains an excellent opening strike because , even more than the snap punch , it cocks the hips for a powerful reverse punch .
8 He knows the routine , he appreciates the need , if without relishing it , he is too much the practised professional to show more than the briefest irritation .
9 And does it not have the ludicrous implication that a two-month-old only knows more than the two-week-old because he is more active ?
10 First , Steffi admitted ‘ The women 's event does n't really start before the second week ’ after most of the top seeds had advanced for no more than the loss of a few games .
11 People retiring now are likely to have an occupational pension on top of their state pension and the average income of pensioners rose by 31% more than the rate of inflation between 1979 and 1987 .
12 Nor is it any more than the incidental music to a play that captured the composer 's imagination and inspired him to conjure up the ‘ goings on in the Magicked Athenian wood ’ .
13 Choosing this road is likely to cost more than the first option , but you will at least ensure that your doors are the best that money can buy .
14 No more than the answer she gave in the Crime and Punishment which did get printed , to the not quite taunting question ‘ And what does God do for you ? ’
15 In other academic areas it is assumed that the teacher knows more than the student , and is there to convey this knowledge , whether as a corpus or a skill .
16 It 's because of this — the magnanimity even more than the political expertise — that Olson 's appalled and self-questioning reflections on Pound 's arraignment and incarceration make all others seem puerile at best .
17 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
18 The Irish , however , drink an average of 3 cups a day , fractionally more than the British .
19 According to Bill Martin , economist at UBS-Phillips & Drew : ‘ The only thing the Chancellor fears more than the currency speculators are the rows of blue rinses at Blackpool next week ’ .
20 Since there are six million Xhosas - one million more than the entire white population of South Africa — they are potentially a serious force for Mr de Klerk to reckon with .
21 He was never more than the creature of Mr Andreotti 's key fixer , Vittorio ‘ The Shark ’ Sbardella .
22 The £2,000 which Andy Austin collected , by finishing fourth on Elusive and sixth on Zobias , was considerably more than the meagre £240 he won when riding River Hill to victory in yesterday 's first leg of the Grade A Championship .
23 Kevin Drinkell , 29 , became Coventry City 's record signing yesterday when his transfer from Rangers cost £800,000 — £20,000 more than the fee paid in 1987 to Chelsea for David Speedie .
24 He said he was shocked to monitor Miami Vice , shown on BBC 1 , in which characters Crockett and Tubbs killed 43 people in 18 episodes — more than the real Miami vice department killed in a whole year .
25 She says that the pupils were ‘ not pushed or encouraged to do more than the basic minimum ’ .
26 ‘ I decided that I had to put the headmaster in a position to answer and it was this problem that worried me most — more than the outrageous charges against myself and the effect on my family .
27 RAI protests that this amounts to a colossal waste of money since it previously acquired Eurovision rights for nothing more than the duty of reciprocal access to material from Italy .
28 Ms Leaming tells it all with vim , though the gossip turns her on far more than the movies : ‘ Aly practised an Eastern art of love known as Imsak , which allowed him to exercise indefinite control … ’
29 Last year GM 's turnover was $123.6bn ( £77bn ) — comfortably more than the gross domestic product of a good few developing countries .
30 It is an important signal that short-term politics matter more than the longer-run question of how to house the next generation .
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