Example sentences of "must at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His first impression was that somebody had started to construct a small harbour , but then he saw a shallow groove cut in the face of the cliff which must at one time have accommodated a pipe , and it occurred to him that it had probably been a sewage outfall .
2 [ The story ] must at one and the same time relate to all aspects of his ( sic ) personality — and this without ever belittling but , on the contrary , giving full credence to the seriousness of the child 's predicaments , whilst simultaneously promoting confidence in himself ( sic ) and his future .
3 On 3 October ‘ the King told the Prime Minister that he must at all costs find the solution himself , and His Majesty would refuse to accept his resignation .
4 She thought that she never wanted to sleep with Jim again , that the bonds of love were snares and that she must at all costs leave as early as possible the next morning and never come back .
5 It was strange with Aunt Louise in the house , she and I alone together , our relationship a delicate bubble which must at all costs be kept floating intact .
6 The management style that such a head must at all costs avoid is the style of the legislation itself .
7 Yet the effect of the violence is as much exhilarating as horrifying … if one 's moral position is the tenable one that violence is intrinsically wrong and must at all costs be held in check , then there is no doubt that Straw Dogs is an immoral film .
8 The main criteria for taxis is that drivers must at all times act civilly . ’
9 What is clear is that for [ Whitehouse ] and others like her , there is a determination to restore a Christian culture to Britain , and in that battle the greater availability of sexually explicit cultural forms , the easier access to abortion and divorce , the legitimation of homosexuality between consenting adults and so on are developments which must at all costs not only be stemmed but at some ill-defined date in the future actually reversed .
10 The unity of the socialist states and their military-strategic parity with the NATO countries must at all costs be preserved , as the only secure guarantee against the ‘ aggressive appetites of imperialism ’ .
11 You must at all times try to maintain a DR plot of your position .
12 He was becoming increasingly conscious of the existence of something at the core — in fact , a suspicion , a threat , which must at all costs be shielded from his probes .
13 ‘ The chef , ’ he recalled saying , ‘ must at all times be prepared for disaster . ’
14 Conditions which must at all times be satisfied by recognised
15 Conditions which must at all times be satisfied
16 As a simple , untutored Galilean fisherman and bully , he must at first have taken Jesus 's statements quite literally .
17 As Anita Mason shows , Simon Peter must at first have been thoroughly convinced that the world would literally end with Jesus 's death — that an apocalyptic holocaust would consume the whole of creation , that upheavals such as those recounted by Old Testament prophets would sweep the earth , that God would descend to pronounce stern judgement .
18 The mother 's job is even more exacting ; while remaining true to herself and her needs , she must at first embrace her baby in the closest hold , and then let her move away in steps of her own .
19 Our citizens must at last find out where their roots are ’ , he says .
20 We must at last face the question as to whether the time is right to discard the nation state .
21 I think we have to face facts , first fact is the the priority of the board must at this time be survival .
22 However , I must at this stage part from Amendment eleven on the method of their selection for two reasons .
23 Of course in order to be effective anti-viral agents they must at some stage be dependent on a viral enzyme to convert them into their active form , or they must selectively inhibit viral enzymes directly .
24 If Christianity is true and if religion affects culture , then non-Christian religions , whose creeds must at some point involve the denial of some aspect of Christian truth , will reveal cultural problems resulting from inconsistencies which are impossible to reconcile given their religious postulates .
25 In order for parents to express these worries , however , the child must at some time have produced actual behaviour .
26 And , I suppose , if I 've been dethroned I must at some stage have been enthroned !
27 The duties of the subscribers must at some stage be noted , and since we have already come across three of them , they can now conveniently be listed in full :
28 The owner of 2041 must at some point have sold off a little plot , and this half-numbered , half-acknowledged house was put up .
29 ‘ Maybe so , yet any man must at some point question whether it is chance or fate that brings things to pass ; whether he is the author or merely the agent of his actions . ’
30 Almost every effect of fluid motion must at some time have been tried as a means of measuring velocities .
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