Example sentences of "must be see " in BNC.

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1 Her challenge is , in itself , almost cruelly witty , and Rosaline must be seen to relish the situation , rather than becoming priggish .
2 His genesis was part of a much longer creative process and must be seen as the culmination of eleven centuries of English literary history .
3 For a good chance of a safe landing , the ground must be seen from at least a thousand feet so that there is time to select a field and assess the wind .
4 The technique 's impact must be seen in order to be scored .
5 As we saw in the chapter dealing with rules , it is not enough for your punch to be an effective scoring technique ; it must be seen to be so , and this entails making its success obvious .
6 Because on the stage they acquire importance , they must be seen to have a proper purpose .
7 Dr Higgs is the only one left for those who believe someone must be seen to pay for the Cleveland controversy .
8 ‘ Manufacturing must be seen to matter , ’ Sir Geoffrey said .
9 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
10 Thus what Strange calls sterling 's role as a ‘ negotiated ’ currency — a top currency on the slide , which has to be constantly defended — emerged enormously strengthened from the Attlee period , and this must be seen as a major part of the legacy of that government .
11 It is in the light of these publications and the furore caused by Darwinian evolutionary theories in general that Marx 's and Engels 's historical work on pre-capitalist societies must be seen .
12 Apart from the purely oppressive aspect — that these people felt that women must be seen and not heard , that taking part in an industrial struggle was not right for a woman — there was the undeniable fact that in these families money was desperately needed .
13 It translates literally as ‘ consistent ’ but means more that things must be seen through .
14 ‘ The belugas ’ plight must be seen as a warning that marine life in general is threatened .
15 The Academy , after all , must be seen to be on the side of law and order .
16 The impact of the Spanish Civil War on British public opinion must be seen within the wider context of the international events of the 1930s .
17 When the shift of emphasis from moral to liturgical kingship came , it must be seen in the changing political context of ninth- and tenth-century Europe , and the emergence of new dynasties all over the once-unified empire of Charlemagne ; one of their principal qualifications to rule was their capacity to defeat external enemies .
18 But even Rolls-Royce must be seen to be moving with the times .
19 Mr Andrew Cammish , representing Shaun Williams , had told them : ‘ Justice must be seen to be done as well as be done and it is my duty to bring any particular irregularity to the court 's attention .
20 Its two main preoccupations are , first , that reality is ( at least in part ) determined by the perceiver and , second , that individual freedom must be seen in the context of metaphysical necessity .
21 Taken all in all , though , it must be seen as the greatest of all the pending threats to present day life .
22 Abroad they must be seen as great statesmen anxious to build peacemaking bridges between East and West .
23 Thus domestic service must be seen as a type of economic relationship operating in all levels of society .
24 The Circular emphasises that parents must be seen as ‘ partners ’ in the assessment process , although the evidence is that parents are by no means equal partners here .
25 The scientists too must be seen to be helpful .
26 Given Israel 's inability to sustain large casualties this must be seen as a weapon of similarly fearsome proportions to Israel 's own nuclear capacity .
27 ‘ But you said that morality must be seen to be something superficial . ’
28 It does n't matter where he/she finishes , but whether the coach is only asking the eight-year-olds to spring 50m or trying to get all the senior team to really race hard over the first 1500m , he or she must be seen to experience it too or the children simply wo n't believe the coach can know what he/she is talking about .
29 In all three cases the changes in the host , if we accept that they are Darwinian adaptations for the benefit of the parasite , must be seen as extended phenotypic effects of parasite genes .
30 Thus , to retain their value , they must be seen not as rigid dogma , but as sufficiently flexible to accommodate a changing social scene .
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